Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I wonder if what is on the decal will be added in the first update of the year or slowly over the course of the year. Iirc gripen and such were added about 6 months or so after a decal with them was shown but i think it was esports which has nothing to do with gaijin and teasing upcoming content.

Mounts both I-Derby ER and India’s indigenously developed Astra missile (ARH with DL, solid fuel, mach 4.5, & 110km range. Dual pulse and Ramjet in development). Also mounts late block ASRAAM with datalink.

Meteor integration is in a fairly constant state of negotiation held back by a European desire for more aircraft orders.

Nothing you said denies the possibility of both domestic and subtree (copy-paste) additions coming at 10ish br range. As smin has said for ages the addition of Indian SPAA doesn’t slow down/prevent domestic additions.

Just look at how quick the Indian OSA was put in when it wasn’t even initially intended. When copy paste was that quich how on earth do you still think it delays domestic additions???

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Yeah, the Osa-AK was basically just a new skin, same with the Strela-10M, they were “why not” additions that added next to no development time, and that development time was on the devs behind vehicles skins who have enough time to drop extra content between patches.

Why would you assume that takes away from new vehicle models being added, things that actually take significant extra development time?

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Copy paste adds content without making any new content. Its a lazy but cost-effective way to inflate a vehicle number in a tree while only needing one model and some more skins, from a careless short term profit minded perspective its brilliant, but absolute trash for players


why is it trash for players, it was either have it or don’t, with the decision having no bearing on other vehicles being added?

Trash in the sense of “nation main” players. having the exact same vehicle (of slight variants) of one vehicle in several trees means there’s less uniqueness to a WT nation, there’s no reason to play one over the other if it all is the same. My main opposition to it is because if I wanted to play USSR vehicles id be playing the USSR tree, not britain or any other nation but USSR


See now that is just a matter of opinion, for most players more variety within a tree is better as it means they don’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of time grinding every single tree for the vehicles they want to play.

The people on the forum are the war thunder junkies who have the time to grind multiple trees, but that isn’t most people. Tree uniqueness is really only good for 5% of players with everything they want already unlocked, it’s gatekeeping behavior really


You realise you have changed the argument from
copy paste delaying domestic vehicles to
copy paste reducing uniqueness of trees.

And contrary to your belief there are people (not me btw) that want those vehicles in the UK tree. Its how we ended in this situation to begin with the OSA.


The uniqueness of the british tree is why I picked to play the tree when I first started playing WT two years ago. I don’t want that reason to choose one nation to be meaningless to new players


this you btw?


It sounds more like you don’t want it to have been meaningless to you

also, that is funny a hell


those were two separate points.
Gaijin laziness delaying domestic choices because copy paste is the cheap substitute.
it also dilutes tree uniqueness

I opposed its addition, I oppose India as a subtree of Britain in the first place, especially as we arent even seeing the unique indian stuff, only copy pastes of preexisting tanks in game.

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does a /s need to be used everywhere on the internet now? damn


now that I’ve played for a long time it doesn’t matter as much as I’ve played a bit of what I care for across the board, I just don’t think that choice should be worthless to those that started after me, seems unfair to them

Have you seen the mess the last patch was, it’s obvious they’re putting as much into the game every patch as they can, even when it isn’t quite finished, and then fixing the bugs in the interim.

Now I don’t always agree with Gaijins decisions but the reason they haven’t added unique stuff seems to be because they want to push top tier as high as they can, every new patch recently has been pushing top tier air up, and when they’re finally satisfied with that then they will go and back fill, and that is when we will see the more unique vehicles added

but the OSA which is why this argument started proves this is just not the case. It was quick and effortless hence didn’t delay anything.

Well its happened and is unlikely to change. People also argue against an Indian nation tree due to an Israel esque situation which increases copy paste even more.

This has been talked to death many times but is this applicable to current conversation when the OSA was pretty popularly requested?

We back to this huh?
Anyway, Jaguar Darin III with ASRAAM and ASEA to lighten the mood (and a cockpit shot I found)



Damn those top rails are ugly

Aint no way they are adding ASRAAMs anytime soon