Same to be fair,
VFM 5 is my light tank along with a CR2 BK and E the rest is the Typhoon, AH-64 and a couple of SAMs
Yes, that is matchmaking, how does it compare to other vehicles of it’s BR though, if it’s is objectively worse than those then that is a BR issue
And that usually just involves increases, there should never really be decreases in BR
I would be using the VFM 5 and AH-64 as well, if I didn’t have the premium Rooikat and the Rooivalk
I just want a New nation, maybe 2 like North and South Korea, would be nice and it would make it 12 major nations instead of 10 we currently have (not counting sub nations btw)
BR governs the matchmaker though. 4.0 tanks cant see 11.0 tanks
Yeah premium 105 Rooikat is one I should have got!
Nah man, no new nations until they figure out how to make all existing nations as competitive as possible
Yes, so what we want is massive BR decompression, or a 0.7 matchmaker, but either way the BR of the vehicle won’t go down, BRs almost never should go down
Combined Korea and Poland would be good additions I think
The BR is fine we need to decompress the top BRs no one with a straight face can say the Leopard 2A7V and CR2 E are equal in anyway yet they are the same BR.
I agree 0.7 would be an improvement.
Gaijin are obsessed with queue times
There ain’t no way they would consider a combined Korea tree to be a new nation contender after claiming that India didn’t have enough vehicles to be its own thing
Tbh if India doesn’t have enough then IDK who does, Israel certainly doesn’t, they could easily have been a subtree, but that’s where we are and they say new nations are coming so I’m personally hoping for Korea and Poland
There’s always a chance of full tree, but wouldn’t United Korea tree be lacking in air?
I wouldn’t surprise if North Korea will be a subtree of China.
I haven’t even seen a Korean Air Tree suggestion on this forum, so I cannot tell.
But I can’t imagine that they would have even enough vehicles to fill more than 2 columns
The only way it would not face top tanks, is if it was 10.7. Which it’s obviously not going to ever be. It was however not increased with all of those top tanks up to 12.0 when BRs were expanded.
never going to happen lol
There’s no point in adding more standalone nations then.
If we can have a tree full of m48/m60 modifications we can have a tree with 2 columns
They don’t want another Israel tier tree, so I don’t see how a tree with even fewer vehicles would make it into the game
then there is no point playing the game, i nearly have everything unlocked / done so i’m looking at other grinding options like medals and profile pictures.
I’m also looking at spading each vehicle in each nation and maximising all crew.