Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

They dont even care about High level premiums for Japan, with removing the T-2 early and giving everyone a premium phantom with a terrible radar and terrible AAM at the br.

Then added the matador…

But why was the boring copy-paste F-84G added? Japanese jets, such as Kawasaki T-33A or Nakajima Ki-201, could have been sent to this place. Same copy-paste Alpha jet A? Its place could have been taken by the Japanese Kawasaki XT-4 or Fuji T-1.


Probably because its balancing issues, lack of information, and etc.
I would love to have paper designs but the historical accuracy stops it.

Not just that, think about how much time and effort it takes to research such radar and modern equipment…

Just for people to complain about the pure imbalance at these br’s. These br’s can never be balanced, never. With the first additions of the Sabre and Mig-15’s, trouble started to happen, when they first moved to afterburners as well, and lets not forget when the starfighters were added…

The future:

Radar planes flying around, locking an enemy from 150km+ and firing a missle.
Thats the tech people want, and then they complain about not having dogfights anymore and useless IR missles.

Then they complain that some radar planes are too OP and that matches take too long to play.

Neither of these jets fill the role that the F-84G does. Additionally it should be noted that the addition of Thai vehicles does not mean supplementary Japanese vehicles, where possible also cannot be added.

Ki-201 is also not a full vehicle.


A lot of sources have been made public about these vehicles.

Everyone does, except the US and RU playerbase.

Because most minor nation mains know that these paper vehicles are the vehicles that can mostly save their TT.

This is more about gaijin politics. Don’t add interesting and original vehicles, just add boring and hopeless ones Copy Paste


Aye, python 5 is by far the worst. There’s just faaaar to much going on

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I guess I’m too stupid now. A CAS plane is not equal to a CAS plane. Can you officially confirm that the Thai jets did not block the Japanese planes?

But they do fullfill another role, and thats being a fighter jet between 7.0 and 8.3, which we dont have for Japan.

It does, because these “supplementary Japanese vehicles” will be premium, battlepass or event. This has also happened with Sweden, Finland, Hungary and France.

Like all heavy tanks for Sweden being premium and a battlepass. Or Finnish planes being premium, like the Mörkö-Morane, VL Pyörremyrsky, VL Myrsky II and Fokker D.XXI.


The thing has like 14 control surfaces, as well as 4 aerodynamic fins, it’s just bad

Also have you seen that India is planning to fit ASRAAMs to the SU-30MKI, combined with the more advanced Astra missiles and that could challenge the J-15 for title of best flanker

That has been confirmed several times by several different people about several different trees


@Grzegames @Kamikadze_Guy Agree?

F-84G has 6 x 50.cals and much wider ordinance range than a Japanese T-33 would offer.

I just did above. Thailands addition to Japan is supplementary to address many of the key gaps the tree had. It doesn’t block any future Japanese vehicles.

So this is overall a meaningless comparison to the F-84G, as that too fills a role and a gap.

Not just a fighter role. Fuji T-1A/B/C, Kawasaki T-33A, Kawasaki XT-4, De Havilland D.H.115 Vampire T.55 and Nakajima Ki-201 planes are not only fighters but also CAS planes.

But then why does it take over 6 years to fix gaps for Japan.

All of these Thai vehicles are C&P and most of them ingame for years, then why did it take so long to finally fill these gaps?

There is no fighter between 7.0 - 8.3. Only 3 strike aircraft that are being removed soon + 1 Thai thingy.

That it is the problem for nations like Japan.
There was a lot of paper designs during the war, some of them was builded like Ki-64, Kikka, Mansyu Ki-98 (which was destroyed to prevent from capture, no photo exists), etc. And some of designs which failed to prototype status. Gaijin simply dont want to add paper designs now. The only things they added was fictional R2Y2 series (which is their design). And also Ho-Ri which was wooden mock-up.

The Alpha jets and F-16 / Gripen were key to the sub tree. The Alpha jets joined the game just last year a few updates before Thailand was added. 6 Years ago Japans top tier was the T-2, one of the best aircraft in the game at the time. So the majority of the now current Thai sub tree could not have been added back then.


In comparison, the only difference in armament between the T-33A and F-84G is 4 M2 machine guns. So they both fulfill the same CAS role