Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

There really isnt a need for a swiss F-18 anymore, considering we have the EFT now

If I wanted another nations vehicles, I would grind that other nation. I grind Britain to play British vehicles. With so many missing or straight up butchered in their implementation, the last thing I want is soviet vehicles.

If I wanted those, I would have grinded the soviet TT.

I’m currently interested in getting a Rafale. I’m not sat waiting for the Indian Rafale, I’m grinding the french TT.


Yeah, but your suggestion has Mirages in, you will advocate for French vehicles but vehemently deny Soviet ones, the SU-30MKI was a version specifically for India that the SM was based on at least 10 years later

British mains moaning about commonwealth belonging to Great Britain.

But when the Dutch, Belgiums and Luxembourgish want a standalone TT with Suriname, Congo and Indonesia, then its a problem??

De Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden Tech-Tree.

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if you play germany, you are not the one that want to oppose it lol

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Argentinians TAMs in german tt is already bane of my existence. I scared of any nation you’ll get as a subtree.

Gib south korea to us

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Britain has 1 void, a supersonic fighter at 10.7/11.0. a single mirage or cheatah would fill that hole. Su-30 does nothing. But the point of the other thread is to show how much could yet be added with only native stuff + a single sub TT.

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ok, thats your comment, we respect your comment,

(but india is uk sub tree lol)

indians also are so happy with it, they want to see their country vehicles in the game

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yes south korea can be usa sub tree, there is a HUGE TRUE REASON for that lol

also south korea technology come from usa

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Then advocate for a separate TT. The most I see coming is the odd premium or event vehicle. There simply isn’t enough room in our Air TT for anything else. And even then, too many British aircraft missing that would make better premiums.

But I will oppose random C&Ps for the sake of it


I get your point.
But atleast give India its unique variants like the Bishma for the TT, instead of putting Russian vehicles in the GB TT and Indian vehicles as premium, battlepass or event.


You are Literally Insane! The Flankers are my favorite jets by the way and most played. Should everyone’s flight models be Nerfed into the ground because the 16, Gripen, Euro Fighter, Rafale, 15C and Mirage can out dog fight it…NO.

The functionality of Fox 3 is just better then Fox 1 that doesn’t mean Fox 1 should be buffed to make them unrealistically as good!

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Heh, really would like that.
To be honest US doesn’t really need a subtree but hey, why not add one for every nation.
The United Korea tree also sounds nice tho

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Not how this works

they see what the game need, and i think there is no problem to add them as TT, even, premium and other things, they see what is needed and they will add them

It’s pretty much just Typhoon at top tier, all in all the suggestion isn’t great, of everything in it, all that can be added for Britain at top tier is the GR.9, F-35B, and Typhoon variants which I want all of, but SAAF is only good for back filling so for top tier diversity India is good

We’ve needed an SPAA at 6.0-7.0 for years but it’s fine we got a south African SPAA at 5.3 and 8.3 alongside existing SPAA.


They put two bmd-4’s behind a paywall. They care about profit first so anything unique will be sold, look at Finnish aircraft.

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Disagree, what the game needs can also be filled with unique indiginous stuff, instead of adding the C&P equivalant to the TT, they should reverse it.


If you dislike the Typhoon, F-35, Harrier Gr9A etc, let alone variants with advanced missiles like ASRAAM for things like the tornado F3. Then grind additional trees. I don’t get this idea of making Britian the “grind 1 tree to get access to every nations vehicles” tree.

At that point, might as well delete nation trees altogether