Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

How about Python 4 and Derby on the F-16D, it already doesn’t get AMRAAMs and is 13.7 despite being a worse airframe to the F-16C, it could be bumped up to 14.0 if needed but I’m not sure it would need it, like you say IR missiles are much more restricted in usage


the truth hurts it seems, its good that you at least know how to insult others

russia and china have su-30

uk can get it from india:

japan can get it from malaysia:

both uk and japan need more jets
(germany need more jets too lol)


You mean like the truth that Israel already outcompetes Russia in air

and there is no real way around the Python 4 being good, they have to introduce it before the AIM-9X as that is equivalent to the Python 5 so unless they skip a missile Israel will have another spot in the limelight

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Yeah adding them alongside the existing weapons would be the best option. There’s no point in handicapping an aircraft with just IR missiles when it can carry both IR and ARH missiles.


If they decide to make Malaysia a subtree, but Japan should get the F-2 really before any other top tier ideally


They could replace the AIM-7 with the Python 4 in the modifications, or the AIM-9L, though at 13.7 they shouldn’t even have AIM-9L as an option


not a sub tree necessarily, but a vehicle

like polish leopard pl in german team

What version do they have? as a premium/squadron vehicle it’s probably too high a BR for right now

Also, with one off it tends to go to the supplier nation

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i dont know but i think all su-30s are able to carry r-77 and r-73 also r-37

indian and malaysian su-30 with r-77

R-37 would be cool, but too much right now. Even without R-37 it would make a cool squadron vehicle for end of the year or next year though

Need to fix the R-77 and maybe give R-77-1 too

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True, although i wouldnt be surprised if the F-2 is going to be a top tier premium and the C&P SU-30 will be the TT vehicle.

We know gaijin at this point. Minor nations dont receive unique stuff anymore, let alone WWII to Cold war stuff…


Yeah, Harrier Gr9A, BAE Hawk, Jaguar Gr3A, Tornado F3 FSP, Typhoon F2, Gnat, Sea-Vixen FAW1 and many many others would be great additions, enough to fill 7 full lines without a single Soviet aircraft. 9 with south Africa as well


they would have already given python 4 if it was the case

do u think F15E can’t out turn python 4? Here’s the bombshell, it can’t and no aircraft can, ofc because its always “too soon”

images (4)
germany will get this beauity :)


You can confirm this right?
They are going to do this?

useless eurofighter is 10 times better than even F18E

indian su-30 needed to be here lol

more than one billion indians, thousands of players will welcome their su-30 in war thunder, gaijin would be no smart if they wont add indian su-30 to uk

Why? It’s a soviet aircraft, belongs on the soviet TT

This is what our top tier should look like