Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Not at all. This is quite a take. The Legion Pod can’t provide ranging, or fire-control ability by itself when mounted on an aircraft currently. The IRST on Rafale and Eurofighter can however. The Legion Pod currently requires datalink with another IRST on another aircraft in order for 3D ranging to be acquired which is necessary to figure out the distance and position of a target.

Legion Infrared Search And Track Pods Can Now Carry Their Own Datalinks For More Lethal Targeting


Might, so you’re not even sure.

Gaijin is also unlikely to add datalink soon enough, further, the Legion pod is heavy and would hamper your flight performance.

it can cue the radar, due to AESA very narrow beam, so narrow other RWR wouldnt know about it. so it can mix passive tracking and quick burst of radar to launch an AIM-120, which is has done


it is possible

in fact, already tested by now for sure

your article also says it can do this by itself, but having 2 datalinked together makes it more accurate and faster. same would apply to Eurofighter as it uses similar method, but not rafale since it has a LRF.

and it would be very easy to add DL, just make it have very accurate targeting data if there is more than one jet with Legion or IRST21 on a team

Legion pod also isnt very heavy either, less than 490lb, which is similar to Sniper pod and litening

Where do you get this idea that AESA radars wouldn’t be detected by RWRs? I’m aware LPI or low probability of intercept exists, but I’m unaware of any claim that an AESA radar couldn’t ever be detected.

We also have AESA radars ingame, so it def isn’t modeled ingame like how you said.

I’ve been following along on this, and have not seen any evidence that it has even been tested if at all.

It would require that both IRST pods are looking in the same direction or area as well. This is more dedication than just simply adding datalink. This is also a downside as it would require two aircrafts to dedicate their energy and time to tackle one target.

Is it even jettisonable? It still requires you to take it however, and an extra 250kg or so is extra weight just to track someone that an AESA radar could track anyway.

All this is just to say that a Block 52 with better aesa radar isn’t going to be “overpowered”.

i mean other aircraft in the area wouldnt be able to see the radar on their RWR because of how narrow the beam is, not that its generally undetectable, my bad for the wording

why not just a block 50? they have better thrust in afterburner than a 52

also we do have the same type of pylons F-16AM has

“provisioned for MAWS installation” more realistic than Yak-141 with a radar and missiles

and then this, which shows the actual ANG MAWS ordered is compatible with the ANG special Terma pylons

The Lvakan 48 (Bofors L/70) Right now, it’s using the same outdated rounds as the Lvakan 36 (Bofors L/60), which really holds it back. The VEAK 40 is atrocious…

The biggest difference is velocity. The Lvakan 36’s ammo fires at around 870 m/s, while the Lvakan 48’s historical APDS rounds had a velocity of 1,020 m/s. That’s a massive upgrade, and it matters for a few reasons. A higher velocity makes it easier to hit fast-moving targets, especially at range, and gives the shell way better penetration, which is something the VEAK 40 desperately needs when compared to similar SPAA platforms. The Lvkv 42 would also benefit from the

Right now, these vehicles feel severely underwhelming to me because they can’t perform the way they could. Giving them the correct ammo wouldn’t just make them more effective in gameplay. It would also make them way more fun to use and much closer to their real-life capabilities. And that to me is important.

This fix would mean a lot for those of us who care about Swedish vehicles, and it’s something that has been brought up over and over again with a ton of evidence to back it. Hopefully, this is the update where the devs finally make it happen.

And why I think this is relevant?

Well first, it seems like alot of people relates to this issue, the u-sh 204 gk. Just hid the lvkv 42 instead of actually fixing it. This post on R/warthunder with a pretty numerous amount of attention shows that its a big issue for the community of players who enjoy the Swedish 40mm L/70 Additionally with the removal of the HE-VT from the VEAK 40, players have realized how bad it performs. Even with the br decrease. Its just not worth using. since its highly ineffective if the enemy keep more than 0.9k away even…

(psst- The lvkv 42 info for the Lvakan 48 btw )



So ah Well I’m here hoping it gets fixed after the years ago Sweden was added. And just maybe this is the update! you never know!

Is it likely? perhaps, mayhaps. You never know, I submitted a bug report about the Akan m/47D having incorrect audio, and it got fixed by the week! Soo, you truly never know.


Does anyone happen to know if the Kfir C.10 is supposed to have the C.2s engine? I would imagine its based on the C.7 no?

I’m honestly just more of a fan of adding the SABR radar to the current F-16C Block 50 and then adding earlier variants before the one we currently have (like a Block 30 or Block 40).

Anyone think that the Thai ground sub tree is coming next update? And what vehicles do you think we could see?

We know nothing other than this


I am betting on next patch being a complete flanker update.

I most ARH missiles in game have issues, and most IR missiles (IRCCM ones) did not get realistic IRCCM in case they become broken.

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Considering that Gaijin still hasn’t even finished BeNeLux ground (or even Hungary air ranks I-III for that sake), I find it difficult to believe that the corresponding ground forces for Thailand will be high on their priorities list.

And when Thai ground vehicles do eventually arrive, I would non-sarcastically expect much of it to be copy paste unfortunately; M41, M48, M60, M24, and M163 to name the American stuff, with some more defining vehicles such as the T-84 and Stingray sprinkled in.

I mean, if you look at Thai air, literally every vehicle present is an exact or near exact model already found in-game.

Gaijin could’ve added the T-50 Golden Eagle, L-39 Albatros, or even A-37 Dragonfly, but they didn’t because to them, any nation that isn’t one of the big 10 is entirely lineup filler content, and deserves little more than the minimum of unique vehicles to satisfy the playerbase.


Or the OV-10 which wouldve solved most of the problem alone

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I’m still wondering when they’ll put the Kurnass 2000 down to at least 12.0 and give it the GBU-8. I get that it’s a strike oriented upgrade but not being able to use laser ordnance in conjunction with TV stuff is really weird and it just makes the plane have barely any use, especially with the giga compressed ground BRs for planes.
Not to mention the inconsistencies with other US mutiroles as well ( where Walleye ER for F-4E, it’s a mid life mod so how come it’s only limited to regular 62s?)

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