The Lvakan 48 (Bofors L/70) Right now, it’s using the same outdated rounds as the Lvakan 36 (Bofors L/60), which really holds it back. The VEAK 40 is atrocious…
The biggest difference is velocity. The Lvakan 36’s ammo fires at around 870 m/s, while the Lvakan 48’s historical APDS rounds had a velocity of 1,020 m/s. That’s a massive upgrade, and it matters for a few reasons. A higher velocity makes it easier to hit fast-moving targets, especially at range, and gives the shell way better penetration, which is something the VEAK 40 desperately needs when compared to similar SPAA platforms. The Lvkv 42 would also benefit from the
Right now, these vehicles feel severely underwhelming to me because they can’t perform the way they could. Giving them the correct ammo wouldn’t just make them more effective in gameplay. It would also make them way more fun to use and much closer to their real-life capabilities. And that to me is important.
This fix would mean a lot for those of us who care about Swedish vehicles, and it’s something that has been brought up over and over again with a ton of evidence to back it. Hopefully, this is the update where the devs finally make it happen.
And why I think this is relevant?
Well first, it seems like alot of people relates to this issue, the u-sh 204 gk. Just hid the lvkv 42 instead of actually fixing it. This post on R/warthunder with a pretty numerous amount of attention shows that its a big issue for the community of players who enjoy the Swedish 40mm L/70 Additionally with the removal of the HE-VT from the VEAK 40, players have realized how bad it performs. Even with the br decrease. Its just not worth using. since its highly ineffective if the enemy keep more than 0.9k away even…
(psst- The lvkv 42 info for the Lvakan 48 btw )
So ah Well I’m here hoping it gets fixed after the years ago Sweden was added. And just maybe this is the update! you never know!
Is it likely? perhaps, mayhaps. You never know, I submitted a bug report about the Akan m/47D having incorrect audio, and it got fixed by the week! Soo, you truly never know.