I suppose at least 10 fighter aircraft decompress max BR to 14.3
4 fighter aircraft rank 8 up to 14.0 if received new gen WVR Air-to-Air Missile (except F-16C/D Block 40 Barak II and JAS 39 Gripen C from SAAF lose medium-range Air-to-Air Missile only)
Kfir C.10 (Block 60 standard) no Python 4 and I-Derby ER
But I don’t mind gajin increase max BR higher 13.0
I can dodge a phoenix by flying straight and pitching up some, you cannot do that to a derby. If you consider a missile that weighs hundreds of KG more than the derby and pulls 17Gs (almost never because it doesn’t have enough fin AOA, realistically averages about 6Gs) to be better you are arguing in bad faith.
Gaijin are slow to decompress but they have done it, and even if they are slow at it it doesn’t take away from the fact that that is the issue.
And you keep bringing up the AIM-54, but the Derby is better, I have spent plenty of time playing both the F-16D and SAAF Gripen, the missile while worse than its equivalents is fine
if range was the only metric, then yes, the AIM-54 would be better, but the Derby is better within 15km, play to the vehicle’s strengths, not every vehicle is going to be meta, that doesn’t mean they’re bad
Yeah, I wanted to bring that up too, but it’s been too long since I used my SAAF Gripen. The R-Darter/Derby definitely are fine if you use them more like SARHs and less like LARP SPAMRAAMs
Meta means optimal, the best available, i.e. what you do if winning is your only concern
Believe it or not some of us play games for fun
how many matches do I need to consider it plenty, I was also destroying ground targets in quite a few of those games as I find the GBU-39s fun, still in games where I went A2A I had a perfectly good time in both, though the F-16FM leaves some to be desired