Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Why am I not surprised that that one’s your favourite?


Fake Brit

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Even Australians can spell favourite properly.

You didn’t see that :)))

Too bad we didnt get the Baron Spirit livery for the german EFT

Yoo, what’s the camouflage for the italian EF?


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Would you mind checking the german camos of the Eurofigher too?


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Thank you

To be fair, the only useful ones listed here are the CV90s, Ajax, Eitan, VBCI T40, ERBC and maybe some of the russian stuff. Most of the other stuff is just doa (Hellfire stryker) or just not too different from already existing stuff.

Depending on the nation, not even helpful in most cases. Only nations I can see really profit from new/more high/top tier IFVs are Britain, China, Israel, France and maybe Russia. While of the new light tanks only the ZTQ15 is worth something (yes the M10 Booker is doa, can’t change my mind).

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for IFVs like the 40mm auto gun vehicles, and Russian 57mm things, top or not is not so important, the side armor not improved much. though maybe not powerful like mbts, but can do a good job.
and things like ZTQ-15 will just be a sub-top vehicle, as top mbts will have better armor and similar mobility.

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Yes then we can have ground launched Brimstones too!

Gamba time

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There goes my 13 million SL~!

Well damn, I actually got something


I’m going to resist every urge in my body and not buy these crates. I’ve seen the horrors these crates have brought onto my SL only to receive universal backups or a 10% booster.

Ok I relapsed but this is some sort of sick joke I already got this thing. Why can’t we just get a coupon for things already got or simply not let us receive something we already have?


Not doing a very good job of resisting, hey?

I relapsed

We all do. Also, I once got the AUBL 74 HVG from a crate despite grinding it in the event ages ago, so I know your pain.

Spent 6 mil and got literally nothing else not even SL. Gonna take this as a sign as quit while I’m down.