Could it be… an abstract reference to me!
It’s my ultimate reductio ad absurdum whenever people get to coping about prototypes again
Could it be… an abstract reference to me!
It’s my ultimate reductio ad absurdum whenever people get to coping about prototypes again
Yes this is just a Sea harrier
No I meant UK top naval fighter is the sea harrier 🤣
Right, and I want the fairey Swordfish with a Meteor missile to be a higher BR.
Low speed will make PD really hard to lock onto it and the Meteor will be 1 free kill :P
Maybe BR 10.7?
They should add Britecloud to game, and typhoon towed decoy
A Belgian-built french plane with a magic I missile?
I need it now XD
Should also be getting magic’s on the Belgian F-16. Flying a biplane with magics would be fun too though
would make an amazing event where biplanes with modern missiles fight modern jets lol
(please do this gaijoobles it would be funny)
Definitely would love that. Can usually get a lock in 1-1.5km. Atleast on higher powered pistons.
Give the biplanes Aim-9M’s and we have a level playing field lol
Biplanes can lock the jets from 3(+?) kilometers while jets need half the distance to lock and fire at the slow biplanes so they’d probably overshoot
15 biplanes with 2x magic 2 vs 1 rafale with full loadouts.
There is an airfield to restock in the centre used by both sides and no air defences.
Or just biplanes with early IR missiles from their respective nations vs eachother
I honestly don’t think they would be that super helpful considering how fast biplanes can turn, and how close range the fights at rank I are.
option 2 actually sounds like it might be more fun because you have these relatively slow biplanes with missiles strapped to them trying to dodge early IR missiles with bad lock ranges and a narrow field of view, while still having their guns to use
Seems Fair and Balanced to me
Possibly but narrowly getting missed by an aim9b in a tiny/slow/open cockpit biplane is so much more fun than a “missile evaded” while flying mach .8
Best part is that you’d probably have to be within gun range to get a lock with on a biplane with an aim9b anyways so you probably can’t dodge it that well lol (especially if you’re unaware like me)
My gun range for biplanes is like .5km, especially if it only has like 2x .30 cal. The missile kan prob do 0.5-1.5 lock.
Biplanes turn like crazy BUT their speed is so low so from an angular change in the flight path an AIM-9B might still be able to hit. Especially if you have like a couple dozens bipanes on a small map lobbing deathsticks at eachother.
hmmm. Fair point. Ten bucks says the missile would miss but would still do the thing where it gets another lock and kills a friendly