It means that the launch aircraft has to pull less than 8 g’s to fire it
oh ok, thats actually decent
Even a rock can shoot down a Mach 3 bomber if it’s placed in front of it.
tf is that supposed to mean?
So… The sedjil…
I’m saying that it doesn’t matter how fast the missile is if the aircraft is coming at you at Mach 3
Yeah, kind of forgot about that one
Yeah there’s no point in taking it over the R-27R.
Sure, but then they wouldn’t need to design a new missile for that would they.
Make the basic assumption that it wasn’t for BVR duels with bombers and actually has some chase down ability
What’s the range though for some tail on chase? The AIM-7E Has a max speed of Mach 4 but only after motor burnout and only for a very small space of time.
AIM-7F is better I’ll admit but there’s a lot of things about the R-40 neither of us know and clearly we can’t argue about what we don’t understand.
I don’t have the numbers on it, but the missile was built like a SAM, it’s the biggest A2A missile ever made I believe, and it was designed to be launched high and fast, it may well get 10-20km range even in chase in the right conditions but that’s just personal speculation
MiG-25s take a whole map to get to the speed that it is known for. They also simply cant break mach on deck and takes a whole map to turn.
Something I realised is the fallacies of a Mach 3 capable fighter Vs a Mach 3 capable bomber. It doesn’t matter how fast the missile can go it matters whether it can sustain those speeds. And for a high altitude fighter that means that the rocket motor is very weak. Relatively speaking. Maybe a ΔV of 500ms^-1 and then a sustainer for the rest of the journey.
Tourist delight
Accelerating from M3 and sustaining speeds of M4+ must require a great deal of thrust to do, there is a reason this thing is so big it’s got to have a hefty rocket motor and a lot of propellant
A-12 confirmed?
Yugoslav tech tree?