Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

For $90 too.

exactly, TRAM doesnt sell as well as the F-4S like you said, so they should add it to tt

i hope you are joking about making it prem though

When a nation has multiple premium vehicles for options you can normally see that people have much wider tastes. I remember someone saying that the F5C and A10 weren’t as popular as things like the 4EJ ADTW or the XS, my argument was well the US has a lot other option than those nations so you dont see them nearly as much.

Yep, definetly.

Idk, i think it sold well enough. I honestly wouldn’t be suprised if gaijin sold the SWIP as a prem to get another influx of cash from people wanting the unique vehicle. Its why gaijin makes soight after vehicles event and prem. Look at the Boxer, Patria ect all locked behind and event. Which are worth a decent amount. Im waiting for gaijin to add a prem version since i doubt a TT version will be added first.

Not what im hoping for but id rather every new unique vehicle was TT and not prem

they did add a premium A-6 already

And whose to say they wont do it again. They added a prem abrams yet they also added another prem abrams. I feel its maybe 50 50 we see the SWIP as a prem or event. It would be a cool addition after the Harrier line but its up to the snail

no, i think its 50% chance of tt, 50% prem or event

SEPv3 premium next update?

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Gripen E premium?

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Knowing gaijin i wouldn’t be suprised if the Sep V3 is the only one with working hull armor.

Probably, Brazil version for the US or Italians, gaijin gonna do what earns them money

It does make me wonder though. Any leaks about the v3 being worked on?

No idea, realistically if the turret ring got buffed my biggest problem with the abrams would be gone

I agree. Although we have pretty much the latest variation of almost every other MBT. Would it be that crazy if it show up next update?

Eh, feel like it would make more sense if next update was ground focused but only time will tell if next update is ground focused or not

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Premium pack & GE rank 8 BR 12.0 ~ 13.7, but o can’t higher 13.7

So I’m waiting next fighter aircraft premium rank 8 for USA better F-20A sometime 2025,

But gajin sell pre-order pack or regular pack or GE ?

It might be ground vehicle pre-order premium rank 8

I suppose the early ground vehicle pre-order rank 8 coming to 2026

I guess half and half, the others still need to catch up in air

Agreed, every nation that doesn’t have a 14.0 will probably get one sometime next year, probably russia and china first, cant see gaijin adding F18 before china or russia get a 14.0

Pretty sure only 3 nations are without a 14.0 maybe more i dont know. China, Russia and Japan iirc
