CF-18 UK, australian F-18 to US? since iirc australian F-18 is closer to US one (except for wepaons)
Here’s hoping
They will probably fix when US gets AIM-120C-4/C-5.
In the meantime they can give lower BR planes SD-10 instead, which has shorter range.
I say one should go to the US and one should go to the UK. There’s justification enough for that. And it’ll make sure everyone is equally happy and unhappy.
Which one goes where is another topic however
It would make a better premium than the Indian MIG, wouldn’t it…
Still would be better in the TT.
I mean like I’ve said Canada is more split than the Aussies.
Make more sense for the US to get the Canadian one.
Also, while both Australia and Canada are very close to the US, Britian is closer to Australia than it is Canada, diplomatically speaking that is, that’s the feeling I get as a Brit anyways
well, it actually amkes more sense for aussie to US
CF-18 has same weapons as US one, but austrailian one can get python 4 or asraam
since the US will already have a normal hornet, the australian one would at least have some difference of armament while CF-18 would have none.
CF-18 to UK lets UK have a hornet so its a win win
We should let players from the affected countries decide. we talk about Canada and Australia like we are at the Berlin conference of 1884
Wait, we aren’t?
“They’re just colonies, why should they get a say”
Death I suggest you be careful when opening cans.
Meanwhile me: Canadian citizen with no idea, lol.
Unfortunatley my countries days of imperial dominance are long gone. we arent allowed such pleasures anymore
and even though it would be Funny but god forbid us to get the MKI though.
I know I joke a lot about getting stuff from the commonwealth but people go to far and get too personal
say Britain for me ;-) you dont want to be American real estate do you?
yeah, that way we can get australian one which at least has differnt missiles
Oh yeah, if the MKI or Hornet come to the British tree it should be much later on, we have the Eurofighter, let the US and Russia have their toys to themselves for a while
I don’t even though which line they’d be good in though a squadron vehicle is a good guess
I mean, we are commonwealth… I guess.