Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

subs maybe?

did we have any predictions like this last year that we can now compare to?

I don’t think we get the SU-30 and F/A-18 till June, that is historically when we get the really major updates alongside December.

March, I think will be mostly ground focused with maybe some updated airframes that are already in the game like J-11B, J-10B, and Gripen E, but nothing huge for air


Hard to say but December would most likely be standard update for aircraft.
Oh and either this update or June I think rank 9 would most likely come imho

maybe, probably june though, F-18 are definietly rank 8 jets

idk, i feel like something like a J-11 would be accompanied by another eagle (logical counterpart)

gripen E is also a bit much right now

idk just my thoughts atm

Possibly, but the only other option for Swedish 14.0 is the F-18, they might just get the German treatment though and be made to wait till 15.0 for a new top tier

I would actually love to see it with the F-2, get a China/Japan rivalry going like how the US and Russia always have paired additions


Shouldn’t WWM happen in June?

ooh thats actually a pretty cool idea for the rivalry

still want muh eagles though

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I mean with them removing the Israeli starter packs is just strange especially for air.
Since their only other pack is the Kfir like why would you make Israel even more worse that is it.

Not like those two packs are bad in fact I say the Spitfire is the best one in game

It’s certainly possible, but I think the biggest March patch for air was Sky Guardians which I don’t think is really the same level as an F/A-18, SU-30 patch will be, also there’s the fact that June for the past 3 years is a US naval aviation patch, with the F-14A, F-14B, and AV-8B all coming in June


Does the F-15/F-16 CM have an increased caliber? Or small ones

just standard countermeasures


Now we just need Top Gun 3 to release summer 2026 with the F-35 so they can add that too

no, itll be about F/A-XX :P

Why? F-18 didn’t come with TG2.

well yeah but TG1 plus the F-14 having a prominent role in TG2 made it a good idea

That’s cause the F-14 was always the star of TG.