Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

lol lmao even

So you want the Harrier gone from the USA tree ok then.


The US operated harriers, the UK never operated F-111

What is an unnecessary addition or not is very much a subjective matter, no?
At the moment you haven’t provided an example of how you would interpret this.

There will always be players that deem any “unnecessary foreign vehicles” as necessary for their line-ups.


The Japanese never operated the AJ and the whole Thailand air force and yet they are in Japan

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We were going to until the deal collapsed. The aussie one was added as a half measure of the AU and what would have been the UK one

Which was an awful mistake on gaijin part

So you agree beyond rank 4 is removed from Japan ?

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But it never happened, so shouldn’t be in game because it is pure fiction, for all we know it could just exploded on the runway

Japan has domestically operated options past rank 4? So no?

And stop putting words in my mouth

Politicians always kill what could have been something great.

And so in that case “copy/paste” is actually irrelevant and diversity between trees is irrelevant too.

You can’t have both of these things, they’re directly contradictory.


It got about as far as like 60% of the USSR tree its within the limits the game has

Even the Yak-141 flew, they never even made a prototype for the F-111K, let alone flew one

I think it could be possible only if there were a single big nation in WT)

hang on you say that but yet this game starts at WW2 or just before, So by that logic we should get Australia. Since modern day only covers what 25% if that ?


there was two incomplete 111Ks. once again there’s plenty of stuff that didn’t even get that far that’s in game

All of which should be promptly removed as there is no proof those could have even flown

Australian become dominion 1901, yes full independent in 1986 but it was effectively it’s own country with some British influence, alliance between US and Australia has been around since WW2 which like you said is about where game starts

I think gaijin needs to move towards implementing Copy and Paste designs at the same Time as original designs of the same role.

Say with M44, for UK a domestic option should’ve been added with the M44 directly added to it.

This of course, is something that i could see being possible if gaijin switched to a less straining 4 patches a year.


nah i like seeing stupid prototype stuff provided its accurate to its designs, it it was laid down its fair game