Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


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Are there any plans on adding more Japanese, Italian, Chinese and French WWII planes?
There still are a lot of them which havent made it into the game yet, which would be very awesome to see.
We’ve only gotten 1 Japanese WWII plane in for the TT in the last 6 years with it being the A6M5 HEI in 2019.


I dont think PL-12s are compatible with Russian pylons.

That’s funny, so Myanmar’s best BVR platform is the JF-17?

Myanmar never bought active radar homing medium-range Air-to-Air Missile for Su-30SME

I think domestic myanmar Su-30SME battle rating lower Su-30 for russian and another operators

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They bought 60 SD-10s in 2021 apparently

it was an Esports poster

They have done decal teasers before like the update before the Mig-29 there was a decal with it

Would love to have japanese Ki-43-III ko ( chinese verslo exists but not japanese). Just same plane with different camoflage.

Also Rikugun Ki-93, and etc.

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that is meant for FTC-2000

Isn’t that a trainer aircraft? Also, it looks like they bought the missiles first.

No its a Fighter/Attacker
found this funny picture


Myanmar ordered SD-10A for JF-17 (Block 2 standard) and FTC-2000G (Early)

But JF-17 Block 2 from myanmar worse than pakistan, especially guided Air-to-Ground armament not full options and not bought targeting pod

Light multirole fighter, maybe

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That is clearly a car my friend

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Anyways I thought it was like the Hawk 200 or Yak-130, it can serve as an attacker but it’s primarily a jet training aircraft

either way they could arm the JF-17s with SD-10s if they want and it is the better BVR platform

@Smin1080p_WT will the Kawasaki Ki-48 aircraft (almost 2,000 Ki-48 aircraft in five main versions were produced) and the Nakajima Ki-43-III Ko aircraft (approximately 1,000 aircraft of this version were produced) finally appear in the Japanese technology tree? Will there also be Japanese CAS planes (DXHe1,Ju 87 K-1, Me-210 A-1,Ki-30,Ki-36,Ki-51,Ki-66,Ki-71,Ki-93, A6M7, A6M8, T-33A,T.55,T-1,Lockheed PV-2/2D, Grumman S2F-1 ,XT- 4,P-1,P-2J,P-3J F-2)?


The R-27ER is underperforming in a tail chase scenario.

Personally I just think ASRAAM is the nicest looking a2a missile currently, looks very sleek imo. Japan’s AAM-5 and the French Mica IR are close 2nd & 3rd.


@Smin1080p_WT Can you try to provide some information regarding this issue?

This, Japan has already existed since 2016 (almost 9 years), and is only receiving 1 or maybe tops 2 vehicles per update.

At least we can get some clarification on whether these vehicles will come to the TT right?

People like Grzegames, WreckingAres and me have been providing so many sources and suggestions, yet we get NOTHING added to the tree, NOTHING AT ALL for WWII aviation. For over 6 years, we have only received 1 WWII plane and thats the A6M5 HEI - a foldered vehicle.

The only thing Japan is currently offering are dozens of Ki-61, 43, 44, 45, 49, 67, 84 - A6M, A7M, B6, D4 and J2M variants.

Its time to get some new and unique Japanese models ingame for the TT, especially in these gaps:



Yeah, the ASRAAM is so sleek, it’s about as minimalist as a missile can get, I can’t wait to get it on the Eurofighter and hopefully Australian F/A-18, that and the Meteor with its asymmetrical ramjets intakes are really cool looking