Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Lack of countermeasures or radar would make it tricky to add.

The best thing to do in such instances is to encourage others to click the “I have the same issue” button. This helps the devs to see what issues are impacting a lot of people and, where its possible to do so, resolve some of those issues if it can be done.

There can be a myriad of reasons why a report cannot be concluded in what may seem a reasonable timeframe.

This is a bit of a misnomer. Using this one report as a reason to never make a bug report, whilst ignoring the thousands fixed every update is not a good way to represent things.


That’s what he said. Enjoy this. Is there supposed to be another plane there?

Ive seen pilot claims and the occasional document but i feel its like the red tops all aspect ability
As for proxy fuse, the finnish manual on the RB28 section mentions covering its proximity fuse up for storage
Saab apparently made “more modifications” aside from the seeker change to Gar-2b standard and proxy fuse seems to be involved but overall info is lacking

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ngl i will love mostly for the fact of how giant it is, going from the “normal” size of tornados and small size of gripens to the monster that is the su30 will be fun

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There is no new name for the upgraded Mig29K right now unfortunately. Not how its done in India

Anyways here is a Mig29K cat


F-15I Ra’am armed domestic israel PGM (SPICE 2000 & 250) like F-16I Sufa

Unlike F-16CG & F-16DG Block 40, limited infrared Air-to-Air Missile (included Python 4) but F-16C Blk 40 Barak mounted AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny pod and lack SPICE 2000

F-16D Block 40 Barak II equipped Rafael Litening I targeting pod

Lack GBU-15(V)21/B & GBU-15(V)22/B (instead GBU-15(V)1/B & GBU-15(V)2/B), GBU-15(V)31/B, GBU-15(V)32/B and AGM-130A, AGM-130C-9 & AGM-130C-10

Screenshot 2024-11-25 000827

Screenshot 2024-11-21 213356

Screenshot 2024-11-21 213446

Screenshot 2024-11-21 213759

Screenshot 2024-11-21 213814

Tejas and Su30MKI


It’s a more maneuverable F-5 with AIM-9Bs, that’s like 9.7-10.0 material

Interesting, didn’t know that. Thanks.

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Welcome new mod

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I now add Indian Sukhoi to my list of things I’d enjoy playing in the UK tree.

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I do hope we get to see the harrier Gr9 at some point, the only issue is what will it bring over the Gr7, brimstones wont be comming since they only ever mounted mmV brimstones, and we know they are probably never gonna see the light of day, there is ASRAAMs but I doubt gaijin would add those, maybe a better pod?

You are welcome, im trying to find more but its difficult

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what are these heads photoshopped in lmfao

We can only hope they add it

The Su30MKI would be absolutely amazing in the current state of the game

Its Super Sukhoi 30-MKI upgrade pack would put it at par with other 4.5 gen fighters like the Rafale and EFT

Thing is- when we talk about bug reports, we are talking about bugs such as a whole MBT family (Type 10, TKX, TKX (P)) having its mobility severely crippled, which is game-breaking… not about a coaxial machine gun having the wrong ammo count or designation.

Of course there are thousands of bugs fixed on the likes of smoke grenade caliber changes or designation/machine gun ammo count adjustments… but, meanwhile, a whole MBT family has terribly crippled mobility for multiple years and nothing is done about it.

Or a whole family of MBTs having the entire center of mass section mismodelled for over 7 years now (Abrams turret ring), etc.

This particular bug has a 47 “I have the same issue” count, which I would have thought to be rather generous. I suppose we will need to do our best to put more pressure and spread more awareness in an attempt at drawing more attention to this issue!

Thank you for your responses!

I swear, every time I see in the Indian vertical stab’ insignia, my brain just defaults to it being Irish lmao.


lmao I didnt see those
Just took the first image off a google search kek

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