A lot of people were very happy to see it though and it was one of the 3 jets on the new loading screen
Smin’s reason was that it was already shown off in a blog.
Shame would’ve been cool to get a quick brimstone cinematic thing
The Scimitar and Luchs A2 are on a loading screen, yet they every much weren’t the spotlight of Firebirds, so what is and isn’t on loading screens doesn’t mean anything.
Yup, when the F-117 came in and helped the tanks. Should have been GR4s volley firing Brimstones
No should’ve been something else. The 117 part was great
Uh Im talking about the main update loading screen thing, with F-15A, su27, and gripen together
Nevermind mixed it up with the apex predators one w/ m29, tornado and f16
Apex predators and Air superiority were banger trailers ngl
Some of the only unconditionally good ones, since they focused on the theme of the updates. I’m really hoping the next one is the same with the Typhoons, Rafale, and perhaps F/A-18.
you guys can do it get to that 10k before the first dev blog
We’re only 103 off, so yeah, we’ll have it today.
It would be cool seeing transition shots between a Hornet on a catapult while the Su-33 is about to fly off the ramp on Kuznetsov or something.
(It could happen as Kuznetsov was datamined iirc)
That would cool. Starting off slow like in Apex Predators, showing those two and the Eurocanards at airfields, and them showing all four taking off.
thank god they stopped doing single vehicle teasers as those were painful
I still seeing the Su-25 teaser just 2 or more mins of pure insert you fav’s saying here
Im praying this teaser is just as peak as the last 2 Decemberz
I dont have anything against it appearing, but if the teaser is 2 minutes of F18s taking off and landing on carriers and then 2 seconds Typhoon and Rafale flying. I would be annoyed
They don’t yet understand that flight performance is paramount for cas planes to deal with incoming missiles, or that targeting pods are extremely useful to quickly, conveniently and easily queue up many targets.
Su-34 op.
Jesus Christ, we’re writing fan-fiction about the teaser/trailer. I gave 24 hours before mass hysteria and collective hallucinations… I should’ve said 24 minutes.
This is not super accurate: the underperformance was in the dry thrust (no afterburner) test (so not the more important full AB test) and the report was not forwarded to the devs because deemed “too similar” to previous ones by tech mod
Well since we haven’t had a tuesday blog we are board as hell