Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Man I’m glad I flip flop between game modes

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Yeah Israel is in a tough place. Not gonna disagree with any of this. I do think the 4-6 kills killfeed is overrepresented, but I honestly need to get out there into top tier ground this patch and get the vibe.

At elevation, and you know where the helicopter is, and they aren’t spamming them? Sure. Parallel to your spawn, just barely above tree top? Scary. I’ve had some real knife fights with good chopper pilots. Hellfires are no joke if used properly (still not as good as Vikhrs or other Ru ATGMs).

Rah one can supercruise at Mach 1.5 with a full missile load one can’t super cruise at all. There is a significant difference in flight performance. Eurofighter runs rings around the Gripen by quite the margin.

Wrong сircle

Angry Brits main > Cheerful Smin1080p > Angry Brits main > Tired Smin1080p > Angry Brits main (Repeat) (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


I find it funny Helicopter mounted Vikhirs are still 10km when they should only be 10km on the Frogfoot


I actually couldn’t find much either. Not even in DTIC docs.

But most sources i can find indicate that it was made against Kontakt-5 right after US found out that the A2 couldn’t go through.

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The only real difference I can find between A1 and A2 is the A2 is made of lighter material to allow for higher muzzle velocity

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In all fairness the Gripen C Should Supercruise at full load

Idk what tree’s you play, but if you have top tier in a nation which regularly opposes RU, give that a whirl for a few games. Usually RU+GER+SWE is on the same team.

The other side gets rolled back by 2A7/122/BVM’s, Su-34’s start appearing and delete everything, noone has SP to spawn CAP and noone has SPAA capable of defending themselves, and it’s GG.

Truly fun gameplay.


Then randomly you get the god tier Abrams players against you and lose in 10 sec :p


US teams are wild.

9 times out of 10 you get a bunch of AIM / Clickbait players who downloaded the game five minutes ago and stole mums debit card.

But that 1/10, you get a group of reincarnated Pattons will full lineups who go absolute sicko mode.


Sepv3 gets NGAP (next-generation armor package) both in the hull and turret.


Only the Gripen E can super cruise the C and Below cannot. Even then Gripen E super cruise speed is 1.1 annd typhoon is 1.5. Anyway the Eurocanards do not perform roughly the same at all. Typhoon and Rafael run rings around the Gripen.

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Fair enough, now its a gamble if itll actually get modeled or not


Though it is also really funny how over confident they can be. Encountered an F-16C orbital bombing the other day but took him out with the FA2 without even trying, didn’t even try to defend against the AMRAAM. Was hilarious.

Yeah, this is pretty much confirmed. Gaijin simply can’t deny this. And if they do, they are just straight up liars.

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Which makes sense given the Gripen was designed to be the economical choice rather than directly competing with either for sales. You get something like 2.5 Gripen Es for the cost of 1 typhoon



Why are we at the Abrams hull again?

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Cause the SEP v3 (currently the Abrams that will go after SEP v2) actually has upgraded hull armor.