Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


Gaijin in the next update probably: Another Russian copy paste to Italy

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Gaijin pulling another Finland on Romania with all unique vehicles not grindable

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Look at naval. More specifically, look at coastal.

All those rubbish little boats that used to be super cheap to progress through, and now they cost 300k+ RP. This is what will happen to the higher end WW2 stuff.

This idea that somehow splitting the trees would make the grind quicker would never happen. Snail would just massively increase the costs of both halfs so they’re both - individually - similar in overall grind to what our current single tree costs.


You are totally right, didnt think about this one!

Gaijin really does not care about their old playerbase.
They let us play and grind the same vehicles over and over again, while making most unique vehicles unobtainable for newer players who werent here with the event.


That is a huge cut going from 750k to 600k for this event vehicle, but I am going to keep the plane regardless. Seems pretty cool.

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Because it’s 14 days instead of 18. Actually, it’s worse if we look at the daily average needed for the coupon, it’s 42857 instead 41666 of the previous events.


Bruv thats typical. Still, this is something i should keep I guess. No 4 free modifications now?


My next ‘Project’ / Challenge was going to be to grind all the Hungarian / Romanian vehicles, using only Hungarian / Romanian vehicles, and this event vehicle is a massive W to help with that.

Super excited to get it.

i thought we were over this low alt clouds…but hey - gaijins likes to re-add things they “fixed” in the past

Cant make this stuff up, embarrasing as hell


glad to see another one of @NovA29 's models come to the game. well done mate


But there are still LARGE gaps in the US spaa TT. Like 7.7, 6.7 etc. Its better than before but its not complete.

I’m not sure IAR-93A or IAR-93MB to researchable vehicle

Both. Give them both


8 air to air missiles?

does anyone think it would be fun to have mortar carrier vehicles? It would definitely be more enjoyable than the current artillery spam. Mortars could fire based on the intelligence provided by reconnaissance tanks (drones, scouting).

Enyone else have had issues on the map of Senai in Air rb

We just had a match where all but 2 enemy players died to a invicible wall on their runway


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