Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

With massive br gaps yeah.
Both G.91 being the same frames as well. The sagitario is unique yeah.

I am completely certain they have changed their perspective about adding it to China.

Founding/western ASEAN subtree for Japan would be the best choice in terms of game balancing for the sake of literally being Japan’s only option, and it was their initial plan anyways according to the leaks, so it’s probably what they will do.

Though arguably it is also possible they make a full ASEAN tree instead or split ASEAN even further with Singapore going to Israel. We’ll just have to see how they handle it.

Damn it I just realised I’m away for the entire event, literally come back on the 13th when it ends.

What time on the 13th will the stages no longer be purchasable for GE?

Wiki suggests both mavericks and BL755 are also on its list of weapons, wiki being wiki and wrong?

Given the leak claims of cluster bombs, I would not be surprised if gajin does what it has in the past of putting a new system on an event vehicle to test it in the live.

It should be wrong. iirc, Romania didn’t have Mavs at the time, and overall the Vultur was just a worse Orao.

isn’t the R-3 a reverse engineered AIM-9B? that would make sense then

Wait really? Which leak?


Wasnt CBU and ARM on the leak list for the last patch as “coming”?

Do you know if the J-22 was wired differently for the AGM-65s or if we could pull an F-5C flares moment…

Beautiful tho

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Was basing it on this and a few others, thought they were from a reliable source?

I think wired differently, idk exactly tho.

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Yes, but never stated that that one specifically is for this update.

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This is IAR-93B yes.


I said coming, not coming that/this patch lol, or meant it that way xD

Made me question my reality a bit there.

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Apologies, that’s how I interpreted this:

I’m still dissapointed with the cancellation of the teh Ground tree split into half.
That would really, really help with the grind, especially since we aren’t really getting WWII vehicles anymore - all updates are top tier focussed.
Reaching the top areas is getting harder and harder with every update.

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Are there any plans for manual anchor releases in naval for emergency braking?

Splitting the ground tree would be a catastrophe. If such thing was actually planned and cancelled, I’m glad that was the outcome.