Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

eeez fixd 2day
boat bevdlog 2morrow

I mean, there are more differences than just the FN MAG, but I understand the sentiment. There are so many more unique Belgian ground vehicles that could have been added instead. (With maybe an exception for the CV9035NL MLU, that one’s currently unique to the Dutch armed forces, for now. But if they were to add that Dutch IFV before the EBRC jaguar the French players would rightfully riot.)


It seems like it would have a decent radar, decent twr (lightened airframe and more thrust) for once but bleed even more speed in turns thanks to thrust vectoring. What would be broken about that?

Omnissiah bless us with a strong Flanker!


Radar, missiles both IR and radar, and TVC (speed bleed is almost a non-issue if you don’t try to dogfight and instead use it just to notch), mainly. It is the best Flanker there is. If any other Flanker is too powerful for the game, so is this one. Also, the R-37M is a Meteor counterpart. The game is not even close to ready for it.

People wanted an alternative option to Stormer HVM at 10.3, so it very much does provide a gap filling option there as well as variety.


With all fairness and I have no problem with the addition, an alternative isn’t a gap filler

Man, people seriously hate the OSA…

Gap filling capability that people directly requested absolutely is.


I don’t hate the Osa. I hate that it’s added where it’s in no way needed.

It would have been added either way. It was now or later.

And that’s where the problem lies.

That’s even exactly where it is an issue on the Su-27 family. You just can’t retain speed because even gentle maneuvers bleed speed like your life depends on it.

I mean, most of them are a bit too weak. Su-33 is going to be another shambles. Watch.

In range only. I don’t think R-37M is so maneuverable. Meteor is a bit of a beyblade from what I hear.

The elephant in the room is the Eurofighters and Rafale are probably going to be crazy. Like how F-16 was just a UFO (still is but now largely overshadowed)

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If we only added things that were “needed” to the game, a lot less would come in general and the game would have nowhere near the variety it has.


Japan no the early fighter aircraft with active radar homing medium-range missile pre-order rank 8 like france

I presume that it might F-16C in late 1990’s with Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220 engine (Block 25 or Block 32), AIM-9L & AIM-9M, AIM-7M, AIM-120 AMRAAM (AIM-120A), AN/AAQ-28(V) Litening II pod, AGM-65D & AGM-65G Maverick, Paveway II & Paveway III laser guided bomb and dumb bomb & unguided rocket

The problem with that, however, is that neither the UK nor India had any part in the Osa’s development. I’m not saying that it’s wrong to want it, I’m saying that my opinion is that technological ties should take precedence over everything else, including sub nations.

No, I think that would be bit too much

it is needed I think, Stormer is different kind, and the similar one, Rapier, is much shorter range, belongs to 9.x br.

See this.

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