Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


pray for dev blog inshallah



The bouncy cat prayer means it willeth

France no the early fighter aircraft with active radar homing medium-range missile pre-order in rank 8

But battle rating would be 13.3

I suppose might be F-16AM Early (M2 Tape) from belgian

What do you mean?
France doesn’t have any options for early ARH aircraft. True but America also doesn’t have a rank 8 ARH capable premium right now so it’s not necessarily a rule.

I reaaaally hope we don’t get a third Belgian F-16 when we have 0 Dutch ones.

The MF-2000 (Mirage F1 with MICAs) is a thing.


AH yeah, nice, there ya go.
Personally hope more for a non ARH M2K but what you say would be cool too.
Flew the Curren premium F1 to death already. I love it but wouldn’t really wanna fly it in too high of a Br.
As I’m typing this I’m thinking it would be kinda cool though.

What and how many missiles would it get?

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TBH people literally asked for the Indian OSA. People on this forum.

Like I’m pretty sure the second someone saw Italy getting an OSA there was a thread made which discussed that India also had an OSA and it would plug a gap in the British TT as a convenient and fast addition.

It doesn’t plug a gap, though.


There’s always the variety argument I suppose.

I just don’t think it is at all worth getting worked up over, it wasn’t even planned to be added to the tree that update until people literally asked for it.

If a nation didn’t use a variety of vehicles IRL, it shouldn’t have a variety in game.

That’s more of a sub-tree argument than an OSA argument and I don’t really care to discuss the addition/implementation of sub-trees it’s already been done to death.

I just don’t think its fair to give Gaijin flak over the Indian OSA when people literally asked for it.

I will think badly about bad additions regardless of if players asked for them or not.


Curious about this.

Does anyone think Su-35S would even be any kind of problem in the current game? I don’t think it would even be considered that strong in the current meta against the current planes, especially with the Eurofighters and Rafale coming.

I think it would only be broken if it got R-74M2 but even then. R-37M R-77-1 wouldn’t break anything.

Or today.

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Literally everything about it would be stupidly overpowered.

Reminds me of that democracy vine from years ago.

‘Democracy is government for the people, of the people, by the people, but the people are cough stupid

Fair enough.