Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

See, if Gaijin was actually adding INDIGENOUS designs from India instead of mostly Soviet vehicles, this wouldn’t be a problem

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Also i dont get why people quote what gaijin said in the distant past like gospel when time and time again theyve shown that theyre just making things up as they go and will change their minds whenever they need to.

Im quite suprised the Cheeta hasnt been added yet, although there was some French pushback originally I do remember

I wonder if this update will finally bring at least ONE Rank VIII MBT… ever since December 2023, we’ve only got Leopard 2A7HU…

Imagine making such a big deal of Rank VIII to only implement a few ones that update, and then only one more over the span of an entire year…

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yes, that’s a problem

1st rule of the Holy Snail, there are no rules.


Wouldn’t the tracked Rapier fill the same role as the Indian Osa?


Because until they do change their minds it is as it stands what they say is how it is

@Smin1080p_WT I feel a bit bad mentioning this, but there’s a part of me wondering if there are still any chances whatsoever to see filler aircraft like the A-4M or F-106 in any future update (including this coming one). I’ve seen a lot of people say “that aircraft would be useless”, or “the time for that aircraft has passed”, and kinda wanted to know your thoughts on the matter.

Also, I hope you’ve been doing well, and things are going smoothly for ya here.


The Osa was easier to add, so we won’t be getting the Rapier for the coming years

Nope. The Indian Osa was just added as an alternative to the Stormer HVM. Also at 10.3.

Nah Rapier has 8km range, the OSA has 10.5Km. While Rapier would be nice, the OSA does alot for countering Obama drones and other things at stand off ranges.

That’s true, they do change their mind on a whim and when asked just go ‘reasons’

Its almost as if it was all just a ploy to make premiums more expensive. Impossible…


Can’t have the actually cool stuff until the modern era crowd has gotten their latest and greatest vehicles

Dear me, so much cope and pointless arguing today

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Theres always a chance for anything, but we dont have anything to say on those two spesifically no.

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Maybe, maybe not. I still think that is an extremely poor excuse for why we got nothing for 3 major updates. Several aircraft weve gotten this year could have been added last year like the Gr4 and Buc S2B and we still have no sign of the Jaguar Gr3A or BAE Hawk.

Heck, it took 18 months just to get the Gr1 and F3 into the state they should have been when added.

There was no justification for just forgetting Britain (or sweden) existed for an entire year and if nothing else. Aircraft like the F-16C should never have been added when you had multiple nations that couldnt fight an F-16A.


Probably :(
My three dream aircraft currently are F/A-18A, A-4M, and Mirage IIING, but I feel like I won’t see them for another few years at the very least

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Can we just stop asking for more and more modern stuff? move back to more ww2 / early cold war for a bit
there are many things missing there and are more fun than spamraam or cas in top tier
and it’d be a nice break from “My nation didnt get the shitfart 3000 with the payload i wanted” and instead amazement at the coventry armoured car