devblog today?
devblog when?
Also a polish on on the MIG-21PFM
Hello! Hope you’re having a great day!
I have a question and was hoping you could help me out.
You said that Leclerc Premium are limited because they are top BRs, and Benelux is a good idea, but now Benelux Ground has been added.
Do you have any plans to give France Ground new High BR Premium equipment in the next patch or in the future?
Not today (unless something magically changes)
If we have any vehicles to announce for the next major, it will be done via a Dev blog or official stream / patch notes.
We do indeed have in mind about the lack of a French premium at this rank.
yer a wizard harry
so in the typical fashion just wait till tommorow yeah? or like you said till something goes completely screwball.
I wonder sweden could get the cv 90 MKIV series or a new spaa?
Tiger Meet skin was added for a french Jaguar as recent as in this updates crate
And now for an Modern one )))))
Like F-4F ICE/Tornado IDS ASSTA1, We know there are 2 Skins for the ICE in the Files, why are they Hidden???
The first devblog season coming to tomorrow (tuesday) or wednesday or thursday this week, my guess.
The person that genuinely asks for an ugly bastard called the M10 Booker deserves to have a very bad day lol, that thing’s just bad and too ugly.
Yep, sure they are Copy pasta from the Late one… but still
All the Abrams tanks in game except for the SEPv2 already fill the light tank role much better than the Booker will ever do lol. All they lack is scouting.
I’d rather see the SEPv3 over the Booker, but looking at Gaijin’s timetable of top tier MBT additions I don’t see that happening before 2026.
You would be a very good community manager if you didn’t ignore sim community forum topics
Rather terrible news.