Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

When I first saw the photos of it, I was a tad disappointed by it, but actually in person, does look awesome

People really often forget this, especially (conveniently) when they want to imply Chinese players are remotely as petulant as US and other Blu mains.

The EFT should be on par with the F-15E in terms of BVR (maybe slightly worse). Both will have AIM-120A/Bs, and the EFT Tranche 1 can take at up to 6x BVRAAMs (ie. a 6/2 loadout of 120B/9Li). The EFT will obviously be extremely good in close in dogfights.

The F/A-18C will struggle to get past mach 1.0 with 10x AMRAAMs and 2x 9Ms strapped to it, especially in a climb. It more than likely will not be better for BVR but rather mid-to-short range engagements. In all honesty it will just be like an American Flanker that has better avionics but no R-73. It will be a missile bus that loses all of its speed in one turn but still has great AoA.

The Rafale will more than likely struggle at long range unless it gets MICA-NGs, but it will be extremely lethal in medium and close range engagements with the MICA-EM, Magic-II, and eventually the MICA-IR. It will basically be a ramped up Mirage 2000-5F.

Overall, I would expect it to be the F-15C/E/J(M) and Eurofighters that will be the most dominant in BVR due to their speed and ability to carry AIM-120s. The F/A-18C will lack enough speed to be so much of a threat; 10x AMRAAMs won’t be great if they’re too slow to reach the target.


so hornet can be better at dealing with furball from safeish distance then?


Rafale → WVR King
F/A-18C → WVR
F-15E → BVR
J-10B → WVR


You familiar with the J-10A’s current issue?

Well to leave it here for future reference in case I fall asleep. The F/A-18s will fall victim to what I shall dub “J-10 syndrome” where

  • Missile is good for BVR
  • Radar is good for BVR
  • You’re just not fast enough to competitively engage in BVR

Not to say you’re 100% incapable of it, rather by the time you get in a good position to BVR… a 15E, EFT, or J-11B already has a missile halfway to you…

Edit 2
It basically comes down to you not wanting to put the plane into their playing ground. You have them beat in close range so you’d rather force that engagement as opposed to playing into their hands.

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I personally wouldn’t bet on firing Fox-3s into a furball. Too high of a likelihood of getting a TK

It’s also not easy to remain at a safe distance considering you’ll be bleeding a ton of speed the more you turn to maintain some sort of distance. The slower you’re going the easier of a target you become in top tier.

I expect the Hornet, as a platform, to struggle a little bit. Its main gimmick will be SPAMRAAM, but that is easily countered by notching and multipathing.


but this do give some people chance to influence gaijin with their personal idea. there is also rumors about a new anonymous Chinese information team has been built, but clearly they work in shadows, almost no communication with the players in public.
perhaps to avoid been flooded by some voices and be blamed for something.(smin: agreed)

Hard disagree imo I get to mach 1.4 very easily which ofc pales in comprison to the 15E but it gets there fast enough to be competetive and I beat 15Es a lot today and yesterday

Its hilariously annoying how many people are using Fox 3s like IR missles

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let me break down the flaw here.

  • “I get…” and “I beat…”

These are not objective metrics. They’re your personal experiences. By that same mindset I can say the Su-27SM is a good BVR fighter because I’ve gotten 40km+ range R77 kills before (I have, it takes forever)

The reality is that it isn’t, I just got lucky and fought a bad player. The J-10 can BVR, the J-10 cannot competitively BVR against an equally competent F-15

Not discrediting you as a player btw. It’s simply just the numbers. I put 2 equally skilled players in an F-15E and J-10A and both go for a BVR fight… the J-10 loses most of the time. Because the 15E will get to that shot sooner, at a higher speed, and can go defensive sooner.

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Aim 120 received several upgrades same as aim 9x it doesnr matter which version
It does count

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This is japanese mains bot:
Day 5. Waiting these missing vehicles being implemented in Japanese tech tree as researchable aircrafts:
Ki-64, Ki-88, Ki-46, Ki-48, Ki-94-I, Rikugun Ki-93, J8M, Ki-51 (late variant with 12.7mm), G3M, Kyushu Q1W1 Model 11 Tōkai, A6M7, A6M8, Nakajima Ki-43-IIIa and more.


The J-10B will also be very good at BVR.


I’m not sure I’d want to get in close with the 18C.

Yes you have 1 good turn, but your sustained is pretty meh and you shit out all your speed in that one turn, which you’ll likely not get back due to meh twr.

Full fuel 10x AMRAAMs 2 9Ms TWR is .94 tbf did the math already :p

And the thing with the F/A-18 sure you have one good turn However the 18 is known for even at stall speeds having Ridiculous AOA

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Yeah it has good aoa, but after 1 turn you’re dead in the water.

Doesn’t it lose like 120 km/h speed per second when in a turn irl, which isn’t even a turn like in WT due to the g-limiter.

So it would lose even more speed in a turn in WT.


I believe General Lee showed in writing it loses 54 degrees per second or something which equates to about 100-120kmh yeah which will be rough but we’ll have to see its super low speed AOA im still hopeful (totally not coping cuz the Legacy Hornets my 3rd fav jet or anything)

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Based on the large amout of Tier 8 4th gen jets, I think there will be quite a few tier 8 prems for the next update, especially for nations like China, USSR, Israel and France

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The F/A-18A will be even rougher when added a full load of Sparrows (ie 6 max I believe) with 2 9Ms its TWR was .85

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