Ya, but your on.the forums. Everyone is either a more dedicated player or is more invested in this game then most.
I’m talking about casuals the won’t ever be here and rarely even use the sub-reddit.
Casuals see one nation getting more, so they’ll play that nation dropping the player count the other nations. This in turn feeds the loops, as Gaijin won’t make stuff for the nation losing all its players to the nation getting stuff.
Casuals need more low tier stuff that epnt take hours to get withour premium that can give them a fun experience to make them interested in grinding the tree.
Half the issue IMO is BR compression, made worse Gaijin’s approach to drip feeding new tech in (usually to the US or USSR trees first) leaves players of other nations at a large disadvantage (See F-14 and R-73 for example), feels pretty awful to play against F-14s with Skyflashes or Aim-7Es leads players begging for a counter, then the US/Russia gets new shiny instead. Cue raging. + A fair number of additions to minor nations come a day late and modelled pretty poorly imo, the amount of minor nation jets with bodged or incorrect huds is pretty depressing for example.
On what the UK could have gotten? Gestures vaguely to SAAF generally speaking the SAAF had a fairly different airforce doctrine compared to the RAF, which provides options outside of the normal RAF missile bus interceptor or sub sonic ground strike. Wouldn’t be massively meta defining additions like the gripen was, but would comfortably add more competitive options in the WT meta.
Eh tell a new player to grind to a 6.0 on a nation they’ve never played and they normally wont until they finished whatever tree they are normally playing.
More like 4.x or earlier stuff is a much easier and less grindy area for casuals.
As an Air main originally i was only convinced to play ground because the thing i wanted was early on, the 4.3 R3 T20, had it been any higher i wouldn’t have bothered.
Its an excuse for them getting more, but I dont think to the degree that they do. And again, with the right additions, the minor nations probably wouldnt feel it.
For example
UK rather desperately needs an AA at 6.0-7.0 and Ideally another about 9.0. Instead we have 3 at 8.3 and 2 at 5.3. and now we have 3x 10.3 (in the absence of any meaningful 10.0 line-up, just counting the AD as 10.3)
Seriously? Come on Gaijin. Just be a little more meaningful on what gets added and where its placed and no one would complain about US and USSR getting 8 vehicles a year and the others more like 4 or 5.
Same with Naval, Repulse is “nice” and all, but… Not what was immediately needed, what was needed was a rank 6 battleship, like a WW2 refit QE (Which is mostly modeled via Barham)
Eh still of the 3 nations without boats sweden is more likely to get it as they have the biggest selection of options between the 3 and have stuff that works for the current BR’s and up (whenever naval gets decompressed[COPE])
Yeah, nor do I. Nor does any minor nation and my core stance with “minor nation neglect” its not necessary about how many they get, but that what is added, often isnt that great.
Also my main complaint with sub-trees. If you are going to add a second nation to a tree to “fill holes” can they at least actually fill said holes (looking at Bosvark added at the same BR as the Skink and the ZA-35 added at the same BR as the Marksman)