Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Manual. Most radar SPAA we have are automatic, with exclusion of firing their weapons, yet here we are.

it’s too hard, even pantsir’s 30mm gun can’t easily intercept missiles coming to itself.
20mm m61 is not a very good CIWS, things like fast firing ahead or apfads can be a good intercepter.
like this boy, have both apds and ahead

in fact, PLA’s PLB-625 in service, is used as CIWS for longer range SPAA, that’s why they are downgraded. not every vehicle has searching radar, and the missile is just manpad

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Then Spike ER / PARS becomes pointless.
Way easier to kill them .

HVSD/ADAMS would have Mk.15 Phalanx CIWS w/ APDS. Same system sat on ships to intercept incoming ASM’s.


I know, but the engage range for a gun is still too short in game, if you want to cover your teammates, you need to use missiles.
before intercepting missiles can get reward, only very very kind people will waste missiles helping others

Should still -in theory- be effective if you were to push up with your team, but making it manual control only would severely limit it’s effectiveness.

Hopefully ammo boxes make people more generous with their capacity now.

that’s very hard for top spaa, they are basiclly huge, slow, and vulnerable, can’t get out respawn area.
manual control is not a big problem for guns. the problem is the fire control, what we have in game, don’t take acceleration into consideration, so auto controlled gun can’t hit target unless it’s uniform motion

It doesn’t spall good as it is approximately 50% the weight of 105 dm33. I have been playing it this week and while the pen is good its hard to one-shot without ammo kills its still somewhat good

Is spotting bugged? i get the message “scouted target destroyed” but i do not get any points for it. Sometimes it works but most of the time absolutly nothing.

It does have the tracerless APHE belts yeah, great for psudo SPAAG work lmao

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I made a suggestion for intercerption rewards for spaas once.

Declined because of to basic

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It doesn’t display win rates, kdr, last month’s performance 🤦‍♂️ definitely a bummer for stat tracking

what i like was medals. Now i cant flex my medals.
zhukov (2)


wish that they will rework player profile this upcoming update.

I think they will, its had a negative backlash from the community, it just needs tweaking and slightly improving, i believe its not finished probably on 25% complete thus far.

I see a lot of potential in it, lets see where it goes…

Old was the best not gonna lie

Yeah i just want my Vehicle chart / spaded chart to come back i have over 2500 unlocked vehicles, probably more, but i don’t know without counting all 10 nations, and i’m not going to be doing that lmao

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also the medals to flex


As someone with severe skill issues, medals were basically the only things i had to be proud of on my stat card lol. Now they’re gone. Reduced to atoms.


I really like the new medal screen. However, I think it would be even better if each nation had separate uniforms, and the medals were displayed on an avatar wearing the appropriate uniform, whether it’s for the army, air force, or navy.

This would be a great quality of life improvement. I know they’re considering enhancements to player levels, possibly adding more levels or a prestige system, but the specifics are still unknown