Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Oh no, the Pantsirs missile loses more maneuverability than its only real competitor.
Are we just gonna ignore that the Pantsir also has more missiles than all other top tier SAMs, more range AND a gun on top of that?

Super X-3, designed specifically with cadmium missiles to slow Burning Godzilla’s nuclear meltdown in 1996.


The forum is generally consistently on the verge of turning into a “red bias blu suffers” hugbox most of the time.

I firmly believe from my experience that the game is blu bias red suffers, so I give my opinions and support them with evidence.

This patch should be a good example.

We will see if Soviets or China get a plane that can match F-15E or the coming Eurofighters.

The J-10B.


J-11B can at least match F-15C, that’s if Gaijin doesn’t give it the “old engine” treatment.

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In ARB/SimEC maybe? But in ground, I don’t think i’ve been CAS’d by an F-15E once this update because Pantsir’s delete them all.

I have, however, spent lots of time in Machbet, helplessly watching KH38’s rapidly approach my location with lethal intent lol.

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It remains to be seen how it will perform.

J-10A as an example is basically inferior completely to F-15E, as it stands right now.

Su-33 won’t hold a candle to anything we’ve got at the moment.

I’m expecting we will get a few more red planes, but that’s hope and we could have another few months of uncontested blu dominance only held in check by matchmaker mirror-matches.

There are still quite a bunch of top tier MBTs to add, excluding crazy cold war prototypes.

Gaijin just chooses to neglect top tier ground. Instead going for adding stuff like the Namer IFV that’ll be gimped into uselessness.


Already created a long time ago. Called Su-35S and J-10B/С

It has superior thrust and air resistance, on top of a much better radar and PL-8Bs. It’s one of the closest Chinese counterparts to the early Typhoons.

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You might be surprised.
J-10B might be a J-10, but its heads and shoulders above the A.

Not that. The Su-30SM is the one.

I mean, a pantsir should have no problem with dealing with anything the F-15E can throw at it.

That is if the pantsir is played by someone with at least 2 braincells.


I love how every single thread on the forums, somehow, inevitably finds it’s way back to discussing Pantsir lmao.

You know a vehicle is nuts when it has a mental grip on the entire community.


Sure. Gaijin just has to model them correctly, give them actual engines and usable kit.

That would surprise me.

That sounds like a skill issue. I have had no problem hitting targets further away than 8km that were manouvring.


I have to say, your worry is reasonable. Seeing how Gaijin models top-tier Chinese ground I don’t hold too much high hopes.

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In Russia, the Su-35S is a direct analogue of the F-15E


One person sees a skill issue, the other sees irrefutable proof of bias.

Your mileage may vary.

I’m again curious about the Rooikat HVM. Presumably Gaijin attempting to give GB a decent top SPAA.

You say that as if literally any addition whatsoever to red trees doesn’t do that.

“Red Derangment Syndrome” would be a very real thing if any psychologists read these forums.