Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

We’re not gonna get next gen infrared AAMs for a while, if we ever get them that is.

oh neat can you send a link?

I doubt never, we said we would never get stealth in game and we got the F117 I dont think we will get them next patch tho, it will probably be like fox3s and have a patch about all the next gen AAMs

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So gaijin might test 5th gen Surface-to-Air Missile before Air-to-Air Missile ?

Sure ?

neat thx

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That was justifiable though? That’s not complaining about meta, but about historical inaccuracy.

So kindly stop insulting other players. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

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and most of the complaints made my “Brit mains” are about historically accuracy.


my guy you are the one that came out saying its british players that are always complaining so you cant sit there and try and say stop insulting other players, also this might be a crazy idea every nation main complains a ton you just seem to have a bias towards british ones since I have seen you comment on it a lot

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“what do you mean we complained for valid reasons and it wasn’t just for nothing???”


Well, only time will tell. It would be a pretty nasty can of worms to open tho

oh yeah no we are gonna need way bigger maps and better systems, especially when things like ASRAAM have a 50km range with something like 20-25km all aspect lock lol

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Eurofighter before hornet seems odd tbh but free eurofighter so whatev

That’s the truth and it’s rather annoying that 1/3 of each general thread is filled with UK complaints. I have half of you blocked and I still have to sift trough the spam.

I am just standing up for the “main” players you badmouth here.

You on the other hand with a lockstep with Morvran slander with ill intent the supposed US/GER mains with imaginary scenarios that never happened.

Big difference.

eh we had plenty of skips in aircraft through out the years so not really shocking lol but it could still come since I do doubt the US will go with out a shiny new toy

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Dunno if someone answered you yet due to the late reply, but I’m pretty sure Kirishima is the WW1 or inter-war Kongo that we saw a few months ago.
So, practically no AA, worse armor (somehow lmao), slightly lower top speed. Just all around worse than Kongo or Haruna.
Which sucks pretty hard since Kirishima was the only Japanese “battleship” post-1905 to lay hands, err… shells, on another battleship. So not getting her circa 1942 is just so lame. What an awful event idea.


Nah the october/november one is usually the expected smaller one.

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So says everyone


we never even mentioned german players…? I mean if you wanna put words in our mouths be my guest but could at least try to keep it some what realistic lol?

I have seen US player complain when they arent top of the meta? its why I said I can see it happening again? if you want to ignore the complaints of british players be my guessed its a lot nicer not having to talk with you lol

I mean looks wise I’d rate it 5/10 at most.