Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


something for the sub tree line that would push them over 11.0 lol also I had been told the T90mk3 was meant to be similar to the T90M but I guess that was wrong lol

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You’ve stated earlier in this thread that there are plans for Japan.

No news has been given yet, but will it also contain domestic Japanese vehicles?

Since the sub-tt is mostly C&P and Japan has still A LOT of domestic options, especially at the lower tiers 1.0-7.0, were they are missing CAS.

Promises were made that there were plans to add such options, these plans were said around 6 six years ago, yet in the last 5 years, we’ve only seen 9 planes added for Japan, from which only 1 is below rank VI.


You still dont have an actual gap…just becuase the line ends at 10.3 doesnt mean that you have a gap, as you still have all the challengers

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The problem is India is currently in the early stages of confirmation for its next major MBT program. Depending on how fast they get the work done on it, we could see something like NGMBT/FRCV in a few years (given indias track record they could show something in 2 years or 20 years, they seem to have a similar approach to the UK on this lmao).

But as has been said, India isnt selected/others dont only get selected for 1 single aspect, top tier MBTs isnt why India is linked into the UK. They will have a top end light tank depending on what they give it somewhere in 10.0 plus (depends if they keep the crazy addon missiles and other stuff they want I assume) but also a depth of vehicles for the 7.0-10.0 region, and of course a chunk of potential aircraft including top tier jets.

The UK also doesnt really have a top tier MBT gap imo.

Yes please ask the devs to take away it missiles, bombs, cause it never really carried any of these ordnances

I’ll take 6x IRIS-T on it

Tue SAAF Gripen never carried it that many

Why dont you make a “problem” channel for every nation.
Like a “Japanese discussion” and “Great Britain discussion”, because the majority of this thread is used to complain about India going to GB, GB cope and lack of Japanese care by gaijin.


the issue is the uk does have its own light tanks / tank destroyers that we could see at 10.0+ with the Ajax with and with out the Javelin upgrade and then the Ajax Overwatch with its 8 brimstones. I was hoping they could give the uk another decent MBT since right now the only decent ones we have are the 2E and BK

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Gaijin shouls have added the Cheetahs and upgraded mirage f1AZc F1CZ and Super Mirage f1AZ

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they wouldnt have helped at the time, it was so the uk would have something since gaijin was really against the idea of adding prototype EFTs and didnt want to add things like the tornado F3 with AMRAAMs before anyone else got their 4th gens with fox 3s

oh the indian pantsir deal happened literally 2 weeks ago lol do we know what variant they would be producing?

Take the discussion here:


Holy britbongian cope why do i need to see all of this

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to change the topic a bit

can we expect a New top tier Jet for Germany in the next Major(s)?

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Also for Britain))))))

presumably the F18 is coming so I would assume that

I know what you all assume, I’d like to have a hint from Smin tho

if he doesn’t respond I’ll take that as a Vague no I don’t want that argument/I can’t tell you

would be nice tbh, but am really unsure about it