Yup, and it pissed Britain mains off no end. It was the Hunter we were asking for and everything, but if Swiss ends up as a full Sub-TT of Germany then, fine…
Now the French get the Hunter F6 at a Notably lower BR than Britain (especially in Sim)
and looks we are now set-up for China to get a better Hawker Hunter than Britain. It is starting to get kinda insane.
A thread about a Singaporean subtt had to be cleaned because of people talking about race and politics to fuel their arguments. I don’t want the same thing to happen here.
It’s too strange. Currently, China can get what it needed from existing or upcoming vehicle, in service or export or other related things.
Singapore is not one of these(export, related).
Yep… That is what has annoyed me the msot with the placements, its random, not consistant.
and the Hunter F58 wouldnt have been so bad if they fixed SRAAMs or dropped its BR down, or added something like the Omani Hawker Hunter sooner rather than later… but nope. Still nothing