I really look up for it. fotunatlly its war thunder, u cant know when they will add python 4s
Mess around with super sonic pizza bread stick and find out.
so no leak from our chinese friend and propably the devblogs are close intresting
It seems Gaijin has new leak proof materials.
assumption with no proof
just because they havent sent anything doesnt mean they might nkt be coming
He's been caught
Last cycle the leak is dated same date as first devblog. Now I don’t assume this means we can pinpoint down to the day when the leak actually happens. Theres no rules which are set in stone for any of this.
I’d give it atleast the whole Friday (in all timezones) before making assumptions. Or actually, wait atleast until the day of the first devblog is over. Don’t even know for sure it is this Friday.
Me thinks that it’s this
-2x Drop Tank 500L
-Up to 6x 30mm MK108 two of which are angled 70° upwards to engage bombers from below
-Optional Schrägemusik
-1x “Deichselschlepp” 1000L Drop Tank or 1 SC-1000 Bomb
-FuG 218 or FuG 240 Radar
-FuG 350 “Naxos” Radar Warning Receiver
-Modeled Radio Operator Station
-2-4x Ruhrstahl X-4 Air-to-Air guided missiles
-Reduced Speed
-Reduced internal Fuel capacity
-Higher weight means worse handling
I’d love for it to be that but don’t think it would be EXACTLY that one.
Me262 radar equipped night fighters bound to make an appearance at some point since they were used more than some other German ww2 jets in game.
If they do give them Ruhrstahls I’d be extactic.
Realistically though I’d expect:
Fw-190 with Ruhrstahl
Regular Me262 with Ruhrstahl (less likely)
Me262 with radar (no Ruhrstahl). Pretty much guaranteed to come to the game at some point.
Ba349 Natter would be way cooler though but thats just my opinion.
I think a Fw 190 would be too low rank/BR to be a top reward for a BP
And when I say I think it will be that, I literally mean I think it will be that very model, as part of the revenue share program. They have done it before with the BV 155.
Bv-155 was quite low too.
The Bv-155 also made a an appearance on WT Live before being in game?
Either way. I do sincerely hope you’re right. I’ve been waiting for Ruhrstahls. I’ve been waiting for radar equipped Me262’s. If we get one with both I’d be so happy. I’m just trying to be realistic and not betting too hard on one of many many options.
Yeah that wasn’t a top reward though, just the “middle” reward. While I guess it’s possible they will do a naval top reward, I think it’s… unlikely.
I think it will be either that Me 262 or possibly a Pucara, which has been requested for a long time.
Pucara would be cool. Personally any wacky ww2 German thing would be more interesting.
Either way, I’m eager to find out! Hopefully next week somewhere.
Dornier’s mockup has wingtip pylons
Okay my War Tinder minions - today might be the day; the day of the first dov-blegs.
Imma swipe whatever direction rejects it if it’s a boat*.
*excluding subs, carriers and missile slingers
If I’m not mistaken the lowest top reward currently is the SU-8 which is rank 4 and sits at 4.7, it is a bit of an outlier but there are possibilities for lower stuff as top prize.
True, although in the case of the Fw-190 it wouldn’t be unique at all, it would literally just be an F-8 with X-4s.
same nations again for same mode