I wouldnt be surprised if the rank VI this update doesnt even include WW2 refit. Preferrably, Britain needs its hands on the KGV with that good armor and number of guns. I would be more interested about what the French gets, hopefully something like the dunkerque.
this is the main reason i would want each of these is due to the amount of AA with the number of barrels
Yeah… I dont know what I want for our " new top tier BB/BC" But we’ll just have to wait and see. Soviets and Germany will get new top tiers before France and Britain will anyway. I guess we’ll get something December not this coming update. But Id guess a QE refit because they can just C&P and then mod Barham
124x 40mm… Hmmm… Might crash the game, but sounds fun
this is all of the BB’s apart from vangard and there AA refits
this is why the R-class should have been added a while ago that are just kinda bad
KGV, QE and Rodney are probably the 3 I want from that list
Im still surprised the soviets havent already gotten it
i think the refit for barham would have been cool as it would have had the fly off turrets
@Morvran intrestingly you might not want a later life vangard due to them taking many of its 40mm AA of the ship but not replacing the with alternatives
I mostly want Vanguard because of some “personal” connection to the ship. Use to work at the pub that nearly gotten flattened by her:
But for the most part. Im just bored of the same 15" guns that we have on the Renown, Hood and Barham. Which is why Id like KGV with her 10x 14" guns or Nelson with her 9x 16" guns. Either would just be… different to the what we have now and what we’d get from the QE-Class, R-Class or even Vanguard
i am also praying that they change their minds and give renown and the other ships that will use the same secondarys the HE-VT rounds they used irl and they know they did but “ballance”. looks at the us 5 inch secondays with HE-VT
That… really really annoys me. The nerf for the sake of nerf nerfs drive me nuts
they arn’t even subtle with there neglect and borderline hatered for the british navel tree
it is those kinda pics that realy put it into scale how large ships actualy are
Yeah. was fun watching things like HMS Queen Elizabeth come into and out of port. I remember having to go out and tell Patrons in the beer garden they were in the splash zone due to a pertiucarly high tide :D
But yeah, you just dont appreciate their size on TV
well you see images of ships at sea and there is no human scale to compare against
Well, Britain just happened to be at the wrong place 1853.
i feel that with the rate they added all of the millions of japanese ships i would not take long
At that rate they are adding British ships. We could still be on WW1 Refits in 2034