It was at the time just not so big like on the sk105.
They aren’t learning, they just smelled an opportunity to copy paste stuff
I knew it would be you lmao
You don’t want the Aussie Boxer, CTA-40mm is better anyway and causes less of a meltdown.
Maybe that BAE Boxer knock-off for Australia that’s unmanned might be a cool addition. Reminds me of the Juggernaut from starwars.
You knew who it was. So you stalked him?!
Reported. /s
I am looking forward to the next event vehicle so much already hahahah.
I need CAPITAAAL! (heil Marketplace)
1 more day and 5 hours till I can sell Barham… I really hope its price resembles more Mississippi’s than Renown’s xD.
Did one match in it yesterday and still got totally destroyed by a Scharnhorst (though stock) but overall felt okay, at least on par with Renown’s performance
Phew, I got PTSD for a second there.
I mean I could say it : P
But I’m not aloud to joke so yea your save
At this point you’ll need a psychologist after every visit to RR&D
Well, quality doesn’t seem to be a price indicator, that being said!
If that were the case, Mississippi would be selling for 10 GJCs and I’m being generous lmao. But for some reason it’s 70+, while Renown was for some reason always on the 30 range.
It’s so cute. Looks like a toy.
Britain vs US popularity probably.
Britain top tier naval has been rather neglected for a while (actually Britain naval in general has been a tad neglected)
So simple supply and demand.
Evidently I missed a huge opportunity there…
I’ll do better next time ;)
Then there are two possibilities for Barham:
1: price will be low due to low demand since people deem it to be a subpar nation.
2: price will be high precisely because people may deem Barham to be a nice addition to help this nation, and also since it’s been hinted at that U.K will get a new Rank VI BB soon, possibly a WW2 QE.
Ideally, I will get enough GJC to get a Premium pack during the sale! But if it’s not enough, then I will be happy with enough GJC to get Premium time during said sale, hahah.
So like… dev season 100 percent starts either next week or the week after right?
Yeah, the question is, sit on it till the next major to see if a new top tier comes. If it doesnt, Barham might become more valuable, if it does come, especially if its a QE refit, then it could loose a lot of value
Nope I say 8th
…why I said next week or week after… which is the 8th you goober