Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It looks like a mirage hit by a stick

Guys. This topic is getting massively off course now.

This is not a Wishlist topic. We have those and if you want to do that, please go there.

If you also wish to continue discussing aircraft we have already confirmed are not close at all right now, you can also go to the many topics we have in the Machinery of War area.

If this topic continues to be so far off topic, we will close it for a cool off period.

Please aim to stay on track. Thanks :)


Sure, but it still is unlikely to be added

yup.It’s like when a child tries to draw mirage from it’s memory

Don’t see the issue.

Wish List here


I mean we are in a grey area as a top tier aircraft for Britain has been confirmed as well as the Gripen.
So it does make sense why we are having it but yea. : )

Top tier jet could also mean an indian Mirage 2000 for britain and a norwegian/danish F-16 for sweden


A 11.3 interceptor Vs 12.3 air superiority fighter is a none starter. Maybe with AMRAAM, but then I’d rather take SH
ar FA2 any day of the week over the F3

Then it’s good to assume that such aircraft for Britain is a South African Gripen, and leave it at that.

More likely the Gripen D trainer the RAF owns but would still likely be March, not this year and would likely still come after Sea Harrier FA2

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We still talking about the EF proto with 20 to 30% less thrust?

Mate, let it rest, the Typhoon is off the tables

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Please no, India does not belong in Britain, T90 was a giant mistake. If I wanted to fly french aircraft I’d play France. If I wanted to play soviet aircraft I’d play soviets. Not Britain

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If you don’t want commonwealth aircraft then you’ll have to accept that you’ll be stuck with Tornados, Harriers and maybe Hawk 200s

As long as I have to face the prospect of fighting F-15 and Gripens with a damn Phantom that only gets hold together by dreams, hopes and some flex tape the Luftwaffe engineer found, I wont stop


Which is fine, Tornado F3 and Sea Harrier FA2 with aim120 would be 12.3, rough fight, but manageable.

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F-15 won’t be coming anytime soon

AMRAAMs won’t improve the situation

This is what we are saying. If Typhoon is off the table, then F15, Gripen, etc are probably also off the table. So what is left?

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