Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Well the AJ was “You cant get anything for a long time so by a way of exception we will give you this paper plane so you can have something to play with”

i also posted this thirty minutes ago.

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Wouldn’t mind a J11, but would prefer a J10

Oh god a scimitar…and a ch2 being daring arnt we

i dont think the assta 2 has any real differences that would matter to the assta 1 in game, it would make a great rank 7 CAS premium, just like the SU 39 or the Mig 23Ml are rank 7 with 11.3 br

German could maybe get a Su-27 as apparently the GDR purchased or planned to purchase 35 Su-27s in 1987. Sadly they were never delivered as the export model wasn’t ready till 1990/91

US has the Ram 2 because they tested it, albeit the wrong variant is represented in-game, still more than enough than Britain literally having nothing to do with it, which is why it isn’t in the British tree.

The M1A1 AIM is a completely US made vehicle which absolutely shouldn’t be touching the BRITISH tree, and you are mad if you think it should.

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You do know we used them in WW2 right?

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makes me think of the mig-29’s the US purchased from Moldova to block them being sold to a non US ally.

You get an Su-27, you get an Su-27, you get an Su-27!
USSR, China, Germany, who’s next? Did anyone else intend to get it? Maybe captured it from a defecting pilot? Had a national air show team use it?

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i mean, we have a burned out and crashed su-30sm from ukraine ^_____^

Technically the US purchased two demilled Ukrainian Su-27’s so give it to them too.


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Assuming we’re not getting FOX-3’s this update and we are sticking to Early version of the Flanker and Eagle, then it would make since we get the J-11 first as they could just give it R-27’s and no PL-12’s.

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Sweden could get one as one flew near Finland for a couple minutes!


Well, the J10 can carry PL11 as well, and yeah they aren’t as good as the R27

Are you telling me the UK who operated(and owned some) the tanks has nothing to do with them?

Don’t believe me here is a suggestion about them: Loaned Ram II Tanks


I was mistaken.

Doesn’t change the fact the US owned some as well and that it being in the US tree makes sense.

They got 2 to test.

a Ram 1 and a Ram II late after the war.

the US clam is weeker then both UK and Dutch.


But the one in the tree is Canadian there for it should realistically go into Britain


God the RAM 2 late would be cool man…