Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

and because YES

EDIT: Same reason I use my Sheridan with drone to shoot HE across the map
ITS unreliable but FUN

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Here it is.

Smin said in 2020: “they will come at some stage”

They are a gimic in regular war thundr scenarios

of course he would say that bro, he cant confirm whats coming haha, and at the same time he didnt deny it, sooo…

Some cluster bombs are designed to attack armored formations.

And some are for cratering runways, like the ones on Tornado and F111 IIRC.

Could be useful if they bring back Airfield bombing, possibly in a EC mode

And how would that be effective in Ground/air battles?

Cluster munition dispenser on Tornado can use shaped charge bomblets/mines, which are effective against tanks.

You would essentially cover a large area in small bombs that go off if your tank comes too close, or drives over them.




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How would dropping hundreds, if not thousands of shaped charge munitions on top of tanks… be useful?
What kind of question is that?


It may not be official confirmation (as we have already discussed earlier in this thread) but I’m still hoping.

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Still got the leak list remember :)

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F-15 and Su-27 this should be the teaser. That’s great.
This song by the Aria group fits perfectly.


My wallet is going to be very busy once the update drops.

are you guys even trying to stop these leak lists? your company leaks more than a sieve

My guess is Gen 1 since only two were built, i tryed a quick search but found nothing but found an old video damn i love this thing

I will say, even though it’s a stretch, there’s always a chance that whoever made the logo wasn’t concerned with what type of hornet they put on there, and was just told to do it anyways.

I’ve made a discord list of the stuff that hasn’t arrived yet from the Chinese lists
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