Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Not sure if they would yet cuz F-15J will be after the EJ Kai plus it has no Mavericks

Why an accurate 2A7V would be broken as hell.
2A7V Seite 2 (zugeschnitten)


This definitely looks more like the MiG-29 than the F-15, but I still think the Eagle is coming.



The esports server logo doesn’t have anything to do with the update.

Never existed as a service aircraft. There are some special aircraft where I can personally tolerate their existance in game but some I would not like to see. Eurofighter prototypes for example I’d hate.

It will likely be a 122 with the L/55 and better thermals in game.

Why? They actually existed at least.

But they are needed for Germany, Britain and Italy to get anything in the near future

copium for commonwealth top tier aircraft


Just look at the canopy
F-15s extends further back

Yeah, I think they put the different fragments together.

Never as service vehicles. Before I get a castrated Eurofighter I’d gladly wait for Tranche 1 and play Mirage 2000 or other aircraft or even a different game till then.

You mean L/55A1

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But there just isnt anything in the interval. Germany has one aircraft left. F4F-ICE. Italy, maybe something from Hungary. Britain, Sea Harrier FA2, maybe something C&P from CW like the F-18 or Gripen.

But they are never gunna add a Full Typhoon to the game anytime within the next year or so. If we want something soon, like within the next 6 months, a prototype will be required

Yeah. Which will in turn likely just be an L/55 eith ~20-30mm penetration in game.

What is “this” from?

You don’t want anything cool do you

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iirc the penetration would be the same unless they change the ammo it self, but it would allow it to use programable munitions

Forgetting that the 10th birthday decal had a Mig-29 and the Chinese dude got 2 updates right


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Strv 122 but better thermals and mobility?

Not that OP, it just evens out the playing ground against tanks that have been ingame for years without real counterparts.

For many years now, only Sweden and Russia have enjoyed real armor; it’s about time other nations can enjoy at least one tank with real armor too.

So… I hope the Merkavas, Leclercs, Type 10s and Challenger 2s get their armor fixed, M1A1 AIM too, and for A2SEPv2 and 2A7V to bring some real armor to U.S and Germany.