Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

First dev last year was the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving apparently

And since this update is considerably sized content wise or not it needs to be earlier so I reckon tomorrow

The german one has its searchlight.
Never practically used them thoug

I’d like to see the changes more widely personally but the phantoms for me certainly need the addition if nothing else.

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is it usable?

there is a slim chance that we get one today tho

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Though it is almost the usual time for devblogs in a few minutes so we may be suprised

yes. just like on the leo 1 and T 64 b.
Didn’t touch this feature for a year

and why would you, not gon make yourself into a lighthouse

Funny light

I hope to see these three beauties in the future.
Battleship IJN Nagato 1944, Battleship HMS Nelson 1943 and Battleship RN Roma 1943
It would be cool if this was added to this update. Otherwise they gave a new rank, but didn’t give the corresponding ships :(


  • I think there is a specific keybind for it

Glad to see im not the only Roma lover

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Problem is: the Harrier GR.3 is 9.7 (Or 9.3 I cant remember) and is one of the only effective strike planes at its BR. If you bump it up, it will get obliterated by infinitely better planes. If you keep it as is, you’ll obliterate Sabres and MiG-17s.

What you’d be after is decompression, not reworking these planes as they suit their BRs, they just face unfair opponents sometimes.

That’s true.

I don’t remember getting many night battles at that tier, and now we can’t at all (until they lower the BR requirement)

I suppose it would be nice if the searchlight was an optional modification, same way as track armor.

Personally I think the tank looks better with it, but that’s just me.

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Speaking of Night Battles I think there is a multiplier based on gamemode for the loot

Wasn’t M like the most moder variant? The one comparable to the AIM-120C is R-77-1 I think

-1 is M I believe, could very well be wrong as it it 4 am lol

I think the lack of nightbattles would be another issue.
These lights don’t work during the day.
But the last time, I used them in any capacity, I think you were not able to use normal NVD during daytime battles.

I wouldn’t say no to that, the JAG Gr1a at 10.3 with the sea harrier (early) sat at the same rating definitely feel like that could do with some help via the 9l’s.

And the fact that night battles aren’t dark enough.

You can see perfectly well even without NVG and that kinda ruins the point, IMO.

Like why would you drive around with a IR searchlight on if you see just as well without it.