Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)


i am aware but genrealy with the skin event it would be weird

Also there is another pattern all minor nation came from the big majors : D

Yugoslavians had only Communist that i like. Tito.

By that, do you mean that Yugoslavia only had Eastern tech?

You can add there Iran or North Korea, they have interesting designes for sure and political allignment

Nope. I know that made a Frankenstein vehicles for west and east. I think i remember seeing a T-55 hull with M18 turret. Sherman with massive russian howitzer. Or Praga, modified to carry and fire R-60 and R-73

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So what did you mean?

That he is only communist leader that im happy to call a Mad lad. Especially standing up against Stalin and his aggression.

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F’ing kill it




YUP…that thing…now im wondering if it had stabilized gun or not…and if it would count as a medium tank, Light tank or tank destroyer?

Medium tank, and tech tree.

Oh TT for sure. I want to play that withoug buying it. But not sure about the medium…but i guess that wouldnt matter as Gaijin can rename it (2S38 being SPAAG irl and it is a light tank in game)

would love a f14 with r73s


Presumably it was made for training purposes

Guy who made that fake is very talented, such natural look

If only it said rank VIII and had a higher BR than 11.7 :^)


I guess it could end up being the rank 7 premium. Afaik we don’t know wether Germany is getting one yet.