Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, pretty much.

@Smin1080p deathmisser is getting a bit to much into his new nation theories again could u bonk him could you confirm that no pre order C&P vehicle for any new nation is planned for this update?

i would rather CR3 prototype LEP with L55A1 smoothbore

That make seme sense when i would say stop hating Nazis for things that happend in the past.


L55A1. It makes a difference

My bad

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Im Rumor Round-Up nichts nues.

Wait, the Turkish, South Korean, Singaporean, Indian, Iranian tech trees are still to come, and Toyota Hilux is still to come.

Bruh ? You know he’s never going to reveal something as big as that.

Plus I’m not doing this out of thin air I’m using official sources, dev file patterns and of course using that Chinese dude’s leak

Sub TT are mostly based on political ties and it doesn’t make sence to add NATO country to USSR when it have pretty much what it needs. There are better allies of Russia/USSR with interesting vehicles that can be added into Soviet TT. Czechoslovakia should arrive only on its own or as a part of Poland


Anyway a new nation is confirmed to be coming just a matter of when

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And where would you put the Polish-Czechoslovakian subtree? to France? Politically, they were always close allies.



eh would remove turkey, it has the smallest chance at all, considering a lot italian stuff already is in the italien tech tree and they did the event this year where they destributed the turkish skins the leo 2a4 one and another one

There are better allies of Russia/USSR with interesting vehicles that can be added into Soviet TT

Look at Belarus

Ohh wait, you said interesting vehicles. Never mind XD


There were tonnes of Israeli vehicles before it was added as an independent nation, so that means nothing.

oh he was always happy to deny the new nation allegations

the one vehicle that has a higher chance of being a german or even israely event vehicle?

I would either put Poland into Czechoslovakia or vice versa. If thats not possible then rather do not add them


Still better then USSR
