Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Regardless I’m glad to see Italy finally get an actual heavy tank

There are few more interesting Škoda vehicles. There is also a Poland and Czechoslovakina cooperation on OT vehicles. And so on…plus i think we would have most annoying sub-sonic ligh striker jets.


theres no reason to think czsk or polish tree is coming

that makes it a wishlist

So taking about interviews are now wishlisting ok so remember peeps only talk about the only dev blog we have oh wait that not rumours is it hmm?

And why would they use Vilkas when we have Rosomak?


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plural noun: rumours

  1. a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth.

“they were investigating rumours of a massacre”

  1. be circulated as an unverified account.

it’s rumoured that he lives on a houseboat”

Having subTT and squadron than some older nations still have none of that ?

Having a BIG part of vehicle, premium or TT, that come with stock cool camo while everybody else have to grind/pay for using something else than uni color ?

Ties to the P&L commonwealth plus it’s a boxer hull so it would sell

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I was going to write that earlier but didn’t…
But man, you really are like that guy (with bags under eyes) in the meme with all connections

I think it will be for Bundel, but the truth is that the Hungarian People’s Army used Isu-122 and IS-2, and during the Hungarian revolution in Budapest on October 23, 1956, the Hungarians also captured and used IS-3 Soviet tanks and Isu-152. But these are good little premium GE or Bundle vehicles or squadron vechile.
There is no need to force the fact that it was used by Hungary, neither the T-34-85 nor the Su-76 and T-54, T-55A and T-55M1.

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but why would they add a tank that italian crews were trained for, instead of a tank that hungarian crews actively used to great success?

I am sure that if they wanted to please the Polish community, they would choose Rosomak and it would sell like hot cakes. The only possibility is that it would not be a Polish tree but advertised as first international one from the beginning.

That’s not too bad. Maybe the person actually datamines things?

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link the interview about czsk techtree

Wym no? The fact that they got the tank itself right way before the blog is already impressive, and then they just corrected the info still before the blog probably thanks to some last minute datamine

because you cant datamine things that arent there

devblogs are literally dev blogs, unfinished things being showcased, subject to change. there is no reason for it to be in the game UNTIL its plans have been set in stone and development begins

I haven’t got one about the Czech but I have two interviews that they are researching for Poland.
Look at the last few line on both before yelling oh because it’s a Polish outlet there for it just PR.

March 29, 2022

“We know that many Polish players
are asking for a separate Polish technology tree.
While we can’t confirm any specific plans,
let’s just say we’re committed to finding a way to
add all the important military vehicles that actually existed.
As you can see, we found solutions for South Africa and Israel,
so there may be a solution for Poland too.”

December 09, 2022

“Our experience with the South African and Finnish tech subtrees has shown us
that even a small number of weapon producing countries have something of interest to players.
There isn’t enough variety to form a full-fledged tech tree,
but there are some cool and interesting weapons with interesting designs.
We are currently researching whether we can do something in Hungary and some other countries.”

As you can see, we found solutions for South Africa and Israel,
so there may be a solution for Poland too."

but there are some cool and interesting weapons with interesting designs.
We are currently researching whether we can do something in Hungary and some other countries."


hell na

better fucking be tech tree, the only rus vehicle with an autoloader that doesnt make the whole turret a blowout panel

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The blogs themselves are likely sitting there waiting to be posted. Hell, even this weeks blogs are sitting there either for someone to press a button or on a timer to release.