Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

As I said previously, to each their own. Honestly, if I was having a hard time going to sleep, I’d throw on his videos but I don’t wanna give him views lol

Hopefully lol

The Leclercs only received nerfs since the first one was added so I wouldn’t put my money on a shiny new and actually relevant Leclerc anytime soon.

TEC is great for falling asleep. Listening to history of a vehicle in his making is a cure for insomnia

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LOL! Literally just posted how I’d use his videos for that purpose lol

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This is not a grab but for research are you from the States ?

I miss 2and900s vids rip


Can’t believe TSK brought him up in his 2H rant and rage video

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Which tree?

Really hoping that the Hungarian Tiger E is NOT premium. That belongs in the tech tree, it fits easily into the Hungarian line and is one of the only heavy tanks Italy can get. If they really need a premium Tiger, it should be the Italian Tiger H1 that Italian crews were trained on, not the Hungarian Tiger.


i hope not

it was changed to ge a few hours before the blog

There has been quiet a few talks about Poland via interviews ect

Damn, already 2k and change until part 3?

wishlist is elsewhere

We need to pump those number up (or down?). We need part 3 before next devblog XD

Eastern Europe TT


Probably wouldn’t be the case if there weren’t so many people saying ‘HuRrR dUrRrR thread long when no devblogs xD’ constantly.

If Poland acted as a stage for the Warsaw pact then yea I’m for it.

Secretly hoping for the Skoda T-21

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Okay, Mr. Fun Police

Is it though ? There are gaijin interviews ect it just a matter of when