Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

have you looked at the other list the guy made? last update, 3 days before the first devblog he leaked most of the update’s vehicles

a lot of those were educated guesses about already revealed or earlier datamind stuff and a lot of stuff wasnt part of the update either, but the stuff he revealed this time is a lot ridiculous stuff, besides the 2 premiums 1 US one which completly isnt needed, the Leo 2A7V is way to advanced for the game with being one of the most modern tanks in the world (gen 3++ tanks)

I think it’s honestly not that much of an unbelievable list.

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hope for that

What worries me more is that they’ll add it, but neuter it so much that it won’t be much different from the modern tanks we already have

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Of all the lists/emblem leaks/guesses we got, I think this would still be my bet for the most believable one.

Even excluding the previous list/guess for kings of battle, the vehicles just kind of make sense for a december update from a completely seperated pov.

only way they could neuter it currently is giving it sweden internal armor, which still isnt all to bad, everything else thermal, gun etc are hard facts. And DM 53 /63 still works great as well

Devblog tomorrow

propably not

Dont talk to me about probability sonny

Smin literaly denied Dev Blogs likely to happen this week, with only having a slimmer of a chance, that has nothing to do with propability genius

It’s only ridiculous because you have a ridiculously narrow pov on everything. Going with narratives of things being needed or not.

Gaijin is a business, they only introduce premiums based on what their wallet needs, not on what XYZ nations need.

It’s probably one of the easier options to give Germany a Leo 2 with the add on hull armor, the other easy option being the 2A6EX. They are estimating armor anyway so nothing stops them from just giving it the Strv 122 base armor.


Smin said that the chance for dev blogs this week was low, so take that sheet with a grain of salt for this week.

I dont care what smin says. He could be lying. Or it could be next week.

Lmao the amount of copium.

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low chance doesn’t mean no chance
copium it

how would he be lying? he said a very low chance, i only told you that it is very unlikely to happen this week

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Ok :trollface:

Isn’t Smin also partially responsible for writing the blogs? I could be wrong though.

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Guys, guys…

Bickering won’t make the dovbleg come any sooner.

At present there’s nothing we can do but pray to snail
