Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

The only reason he mentiond ukraine is beacouse of the T84 Oplot which is ukraine made but operated by thailand

@Smin1080p Since the F-16AJ exists… could you ask the devs if they consider Su-27 for germany? According to some documents the sales were planned but never happen


the captured T-90A was leaked by Olivia for the US, I feel like they would add Ukrainian tanks. Especially as the Ukrainian flag was found in a datamine. That’s hard proof they’re thinking about it, at least.

Oh thats how. Then maybe but still very weird for me

@SPANISH_AVENGER, you are famous mate. Look what I found out on Reddit

Or there is a chance that T90A comes to USA with it having ukranian flag

doubt that. No balls

in that case together with a Leo and a Gepard?



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perhaps Marder and BMP too?

naa, HE rounds removed

I don’t think there’s such a thing as “passed for consideration datamines”

Nvm lol

it wouldn’t make sense tbh

Commas exist.

Passed for consideration, data mines

Somehow didn’t see that

passed for consideration doesn’t mean much unfortunately :(

Highly possible imo

could be event reward . but if you want to have a mirrage F1 with good anti-ground utility , first update the F1-CT to have it’s GBU’s that are missing …


cant find the photo i had where you can see one with booth a targeting pod + the gbu’s

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The ICE already carried better missiles.