Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

What is the AIM 9 Li ?

Because it is shit. Speed is the only thing it have, will be somewhat similar to f-104 gameplay wise

I have seen a Stuart in person, so an Aussie tree needs to be added with a Stuart at 11.7.

Upgraded AIM-9L with IRCCM.

eh… i think the missiles it carried would be enough to justify it to 11,7 alone.

But it is soviet so 10.7 br seems very real

No blog? Sad

We’ve been talking about the F-15 for like 3 Updates now and no gaijin employee said anything on the subject, they didn’t deny nor confirm that it would come, altough when we spoke about the Eurofighter for too long smin ended up denying it. Same thing happened for the F-16 last year. Now this isn’t proof that it is coming, but it’s at least a possibility.

( watch a gaijin employee reply to my comment and denying the F-15 now lol)

Es ist noch früh.

For Rank 8 ground I do wonder what minor nations will get (if anything).
Italy can get the Ariete AMV PT3 but it only really adds 3rd gen thermals and WAR + PSO with the new engine, would be like a 0.3 BR increase.
UK could get something like the Challenger 3 demonstrator but I feel like that might be too advanced? Same with the Rheinmetall Challenger 2 130mm demonstrator. Would still like to see them though.
Israel has virtually no options, Merkava IV/V Barak but it doesn’t upgrade on the current Merkava IV in any meaningful in-game ways.
France could get Leclerc XLR with better ammunition but I fear it’ll be another AZUR or TES situation. Maybe the EMBT (2017) with the Leclerc turret on the Leopard 2 hull? EMBT (2022) is too advanced I think.
China doesn’t have any options either. Supposedly the ZTZ-99A has been tested with a 140mm gun but no pictures or other details have emerged. Maybe the VT-4A1 with the hard-kill APS but I doubt it’ll go above 11.3/11.7.
Sweden has a bunch of options if other nordic countries are taken into account, with dutch and norwegian upgraded leopard 2a5s and 2a7s.
Japan has the Type 10 with the hardkill APS but I can’t see that increasing the BR without a better shell (that doesn’t exist).

isn’t the R-40R basically just a SARH Phoenix?

I have very real, super credible insider info, and I can tell you that the F-15E and I are coming, but Japan is getting nothing and having everything past the F-4EJ removed because the stats say they’re overpowered.


That would be very funny, @Smin1080p

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They passed type10 with APS recently for jp, to me it looks like hasty descision like with type81 right before adding it.
If we get rank8 ground I don’t see it as anything but rank8

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Speaking of announcements and blogs we appreciated your warnings of no devblog last week.

Will this be the same again this week ?

iirc yea, but with better range or speed. one or the other i think.

You mean F-15EX and Silent Eagle? both for 8.0 of course

Aim 9l (i)

8.0!? My word, that’s way too high!

Simply fixing the Merkava Mk.4 and Type 10 would already go a long way for Israel and Japan.

And as much as it would suck, I wouldn’t be suprised if the Ariete AMV Pt. 2/3 and late Challenger 2 Megatron with the 1500 HP engine are the likely candidates for Italy and Britain rank VIII ground.