Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I’ve been looking forward to these being announced, nice to see Oliviia proven reliable once again !

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I think it has something to do with Bloons Tower Defense and World of Warcraft 2 at the same time …
But that would be off topic

what did she say until now ?

On the other hand we still need to burn some time until the teaser drops so…
We could create a War Thunder headcanon !

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I mean…yes…but that doesn’t make it hurt any less :(

Current issues with the model for HMS Gay Archer


errr- what?

All I got from this was Japan sub-tree (we all know they are the last nation that could take one)
and bringing back the other removed German tanks.

The reason is very much known : it displeased Ka-50 players.

Turkish subtree for the Japanese.

Would make sense, since the mongole empire is famous for invading japan and controlling parts of turkey. Thus the Japanese tree will be replaced with a mongolian tech tree together with a possible mongolian naval sub tree in the future.
And the german ones are not a big surprise really.
I mean Gaijin NEVER said anything about them and let us wait RANDOMLY for so many years

this is the same weird argument of the hungary subtree going to italy “italy captured hungary in WW2” wich its really weird but dosent mean i dont want a sub tech tree in japan they really need it

I think the Hungarian sub tree just came to the Italians because they are the dumping ground for all axis minor nations that would add to much to Germany

Mirage 2000 with only magics 2s (they never used 530Ds and a Taiwanese mirage should not be better than the French one) would also be a nice addition for china/taiwan

Hungary is a subtree for Italy to boost Italian line-ups, implement Hungary in general and attract new people to the TT.

How many messages did we collect today ?
1500 ?

I could never say no to a mirage.
Although the copy paste aspect is still present here.

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Imho copy paste is not bad provided that if it is a vehicle of a minor nation it should be as good as the one from the original nation.

Especially if it’s an addition that would cause no harm

ik still kinda forced with that argument they could’ve used another one

Also Oxy shorta teased more German-Hungarian tanks from the last update

someone said KF41 for the german tree?

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More like Tigers in Italy lol