Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

4 out of 10 ERA blocks on the turret provide no protection from the front, not 5. Where you even got an odd number from with how the ERA is arranged is beyond me.

No one made claims on the amount, the claim was percentage of coverage, even if it’s poorly written.
70% of the turret front has no ERA coverage. Below, between, and above the ERA.

& before you claim below the ERA is small, Abrams turret ring weakspot is smaller.

50% of 10 is 5, and a weak point is small regardless of how small weak points on other tanks are.

It’s a bit of a side grade. T-90M has better armor protection for a significantly worse reverse speed and mobility in general compared to the BVM.

EDIT: it has the same -4 km/h reverse speed as the T-72B3 compared to the -14 km/h of the T-80s. It also has the same engine as the T-72B3 while being like 2 tons heavier.


That has not been officialy confirmed, only expectations from us because of the grippen


It’s just going to be a heavier T-72B3 with a CITV and better ERA coverage. Way to many people are hyping the T-90M up and making it something that’s it’s not.

Will it be a decent tank? Yes. Absolutely. But it does nothing spectacularly different than either the T-72B3 or BVM that warrants all the hype. It is at the end of the day just going to be a good backup to the BVM and B3 if anything.


yes it was?



Hard to know what goes on in the russian forums

considering shini already knew about it its weird hes saying it as if he didnt see it already

Who has WT Mobile, look at the new Chinese platoon being added with now officialy confirmed PLAGF CM-25 APC

Ah helper, is not an official i think, as far as i am aware thats only speculation as well.

Should be a community member that moderates /helps and not an official full time employee. Who doesnt have all information


Advanced ARHs are still probable. Tho 6x 9M loadout on Gripen is still 12.3.

If you mean Swedish Gripen
Then 9Ms are no go. Sweden did not use 9M
Only Rb74 (aka 9L)

This is a Community Helper on the RU forum expressing their opinion and speculating. It’s not an official answer.


So no aim120s

So it’s not been confirmed, not that it’s been denied.


Gripen C is 9M compatible.

right then, i was assuming they do know since a technical moderator knows info from devs, and they even confirmed it when i asked about it on old forums