Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

No Hungarian Gripen this year waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

I would recommend then not self hyping yourself up and reading too much into answers. I have warned you of that before :)


Yea I know, though tbh that was more of a why isn’t it here rather than I want it : D

I guess gajin might consider Gripen C from HuAF to Italy tech tree Q1 or Q3 2024 because could add AIM-120A & AIM-120B on AV-8B Harrier II Plus (Marina Militare) and increase higher 11.7 BR next month

So the South African Sub Air tree would it also be added like the Hungary tree later on ?

The only way I see it would be via a 2nd air tree for Britain. Bit like costal and bluewater.

we do take too much copium


SAAF sub-tree isn’t planned for UK iirc

The question is will there be one of for it in the air tree for a gap

You guess gajin consider South African ground vehicle all rank move out from great britain tech tree but could get canadian or indian instead south african in the future? 🤔

It is possible. Commonwealth exists mainly for fillers and it will be added where needed the most (at least that’s what Gaijin said)

SAAF vehicles are supposed to be premiums/event/squadron and not regular tt

There is a massive one but they are not willing to touch that with a 9ft barge pole.


Canadian or Indian ground vehicle all rank replacement ground vehicle from south african ?

You sure about this ?

A mod told me he would be surprised if that was the case now so 100% on that


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I might surprised gajin consider ground vehicle all rank from canadian or indian replacement south african ground vehicle, and all ground vehicle from south african moved out from great britain tech tree to another tech tree in the future but currently nothing will happen

I don’t see them removing SA. It’s a nation in game. and I doubt they will remove nations. It’s also more likely for a domestic UK light line to come instead over a Canada sub-tree.

Why would they do that? Noone never said that having a sub-tree disqualifies such nation from having filler vehicles from other nations. UK has the canadian ADATS after all.


Britain got the canadian Skink (and QF 3.7 Ram) as well

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