Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

This thread isn’t “thinking about the next update”, it’s “rumors about the next update”. And so far we only have 2 or 3 of those to discuss, none of which have to do with Israel.

What you are doing is wishlisting, aka off topic.

I thought the Tog was found to have a 94mm barrel on it, not the 17 pounder and that the 17 pounder thing was more a tank museum claim (a bit like the AVRE spigot mortar myth)

Man, there has been talk about the possibility that the F15 will drop this year for a long time… which practically involves Israel and Japan immediately in addition to the USA… I don’t see it as off-topic… and it is not my intention to bother you. …

Also for the sale, any chance of the BP being in it, or is that a nope?

thats a nope

I mean I’m curious about a source from Gaijin for that F-15 talks. As I’m interested in the aircraft as well and that would make it an official rumor.

Is there even evidence or mentions of an F-15? I feel like it’s possible but at the same time, also feels outta nowhere to expect it for December.

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I don’t think I ever mentioned that gaijin had made those conversations… and if that’s how it was understood, I apologize, but it’s not absurd to think that he would arrive with the aforementioned SU27.
On the other hand, I am glad that you wait for it, because I consider it a great addition for the USA, Japan and Israel.

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TOG! TOG! TOG! TOG! TOG! Very excited.

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You are not wrong. However the way this thread theoretically works is there is a rumor, in the form of leak, Gaijin statement or things in the files, counterparts already being confirmed or a combination of those, which indicates that X vehicle is coming and so can be discussed.

Anything else is considered wishlisting and is better for the wishlisting thread.

Of course how this thread should theoretically work and how it does work varies a lot sometimes.

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So with the little naval stuff that came this update and the carrier/submarine stuff we saw in the datamines do you guys think we will get a naval update or update with alot of naval stuff next time?


It will have the 94mm in game.


I’ve still be wondering this right.
Japan has been in the game for waaaay longer then Sweden and Italy right.
Japan - like these nations - is also suffering from gaps. Then why have Sweden and Italy gotten a sub-TT before Japan?
Japan still lacks WWII, cold war and modern CAS planes. They also lack in the IFV, Heavy and SPAA catagory. Not to mention their ships, which they could have gotten better options for.

Sure hope so, that would give room for more nations to come to the game.
I also want my IJN Akagi with my Zero’s!

Nice, the blog mentioning a17 pounder and challenger turret worried me for a sec there :D

thanks for the head up!

I am wondering what is with the submarine event from the Olivia’s leak since it doesn’t look like we are getting it for anniversary.


Okay and now you can leak the Su-27 please I will pay you all the money I can.

Not interested in the TOG II but the Lord Kitchener poster is nice!

oh hi internet explorer xD welcome to the news nice to hear they finaly reached u guys^^